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Classic bad jokes (KEEP EM CLEAN)

lol psz, I saw that back in high school but couldn't remember exactly what it was. Someone had it up on the chalkboard one day when we walked into Calc class.


Why did the boy throw the clock out the window?

he wanted to see time fly!
Who's there?
Who who?
I didn't know you were an owl.
Who's there?
Boo who?
There's no need to cry.
A Blonde, a brunette and a redhead are running away from the cops.

They run down an alleyway. They each jump in a garbage can.

The cops come down the alleyway.

A cops kicks the garbage can with the redhead in it. "Meow". "Oh, it's just a cat," the cop says.

The other cop kicks the garbage can with the brunette in it. 'Woof!" "Just a dog," the cop says.

The first cop goes to the garbage can with the blonde in it and kicks it. "Potatoes."
A blonde, a brunette and a redhead are stuck on an island with swimming the only way back to mainland.

The redhead tries to swim back, but drowns half-way.

the brunette tries to swim back, but gets 3/4 the way there and drowns.

The blonde tries to swim back. She gets half-way and then swims back because she got tired.


There ain't nothing like classic blonde jokes and dumb knock-knock jokes :D