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CoM Warhorse?


CoM Warhorse?

Okaaaay... I might be blind or crazy but is it me or did I say HeeHee riding on a CoM Warhorse while he is in TB? The first weird thing is that warhorses should've been removed with the whipe... ALL OF THEM or NONE OF THEM.. and now he's riding an opposing warhorse which should be impossible.. someone please explain.


yea, i saw it all to.....

ya wonder why he can drop ANYONE!!!!

but yea, he was doing "you begin to spazmun uncontrollably" poison... i think thats nox.....

as for you coconut, you poisoned me and i tryed to cure 5 TIMES!!!!..... wtf was up with that? 5 pots and i didnt cure.....


gm poisoning applies lethal poison when using dp, lethal is like a 20 percent cure chance with pots i believe.
no it doesnt.....it only does that during AoS

unless they changed it but as i recall that was only during AoS plus i had gm poisoning on a dexer and only DPed


Yeah you can apply deadly poison to a weapon but not lethal, since that can not be created by an alchemist... Lethal poison is the poison that poison ellementals give you and that makes you "SPASM" This sort of poison I believe does not get on weapons nor when you cast in nox with gm poisoning, since I have a gm assasin I know this for a fact.


and also on Heehee's archer, Lithium or something, he like fucking does 2438948923 dmg per hit with heavy xbow and swings SO fast. this guys bullshit.

2 hit GUARENTEE ur dead, guarenteed.

cmon which staff memberis he? ryan joining minax agian? :confused:


Its a heavy cross bow, of course it will do damage. I dont think it will do 2438948923 damage but stilll enough tho hurt :p
well that heavy x bow was hitting like every 2 seconds or so, and it was doing so much dmg i put like 60 armor rating on my dexer and it still did like 40 damage or more almost every hit

kinda lame

that thing shoots fast for what it is at least from heehee's archer

and also heehee was doing lvl 5 poison




Only character by the name of "HeeHee" in the True Brits faction.
As you'd notice - He has no Archery, or Poisoning skill.

As for the whole CoM fac warhorse - chances are it was simply a re-hued Ethy (look at PhireHawks sometime for a good example).

Other than that - I'm not entirely sure what to tell you.

Edit: I forgot to mention this also; Lithium is not HeeHee.
heehee's archer is not named heehee

its something like laeofuanos or something

maybe faenoas

something like that

anyway, heehee was doing lvl 5 poison

thats why its wierd

and his archer doesnt show up his skills or stats in the uog page

it was shooting around every 2 seconds with a heavy x bow

and doing a LOT of dmg


yes, im kinda pissed..i heard that heehee was a GM's char...

also that archer guy.... AHHH i dont die to archers!!!!! its bullshit!

but he never misses! neverrrrr!!! and with the heavy X-bow he hits faster then with a normal bow.....

but this shit pisses me off, if GM's are boosting there chars and being little pussys like that then fuck it...... i dont care if you bless your shit, or set your stats.... but if your that fucking corupt then you need a fucking reality check....

and if its not a GM, then you guys need to look into cheating and shit....

Spriggan dose not die to archers!!!!!!!!
not often at least....
but come on.... this guy is just full of bullshit....


back when i played during uor i beleave gm nox Scribe/poisoing gave you a 1 % chance to cast a lethal and a dexer with gm poisoning usen a dped wep has like a 2% chanc e at least i think thats what it was the shit with him on a warhorse is fucked up i lost my warhorse from faction every one else should have too


"As for the whole CoM fac warhorse - chances are it was simply a re-hued Ethy (look at PhireHawks sometime for a good example)."

How do i get me one of those?


Pandamonium said:
"As for the whole CoM fac warhorse - chances are it was simply a re-hued Ethy (look at PhireHawks sometime for a good example)."

How do i get me one of those?

Have sex with PF because thats what Phirehawk seems to be doing a hell of a lot.


While we're on HeeHee Stories, Ive got a damn good one.

Pre-faction wipe:

Heehee popped up at my house (out of nowhere) and immediately starts gimping my ass (holy shit i was scared instantly).. i call backup as I didn't have more than 2-3 cures on me (yes in a 1x1, vs a dp gimp i do that with 330 ping) A guildmate came along, stunned / bola'd HeeHee and the second that happened HeeHee just disappeared. GONE. No recall noise, no "run round the corner and hide". I knew he/she couldn't have recalled as he/she attacked me.

big rofl there

Me & Guildmate laughed for a good 10 mins

Obviously a GM having some fun, though ive asked and GMs claim HeeHee isn't gm char ;)