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(completed) The Educated Fool


Re: The Educated Fool

I've been trying to think where Hel'dah could have hidden the book and came up with a few ideas.

First, I thought 'where would be a good place to hide a book? How about a library!' So I made a check of all the libraries in Brittania, but the only thing I found which could possibly have been related was a book in the Jhelom library that was titled 'A Clue'. However the book was editable and someone else had written in it, so I don't know if the title was the original title or if the contents of the book had been relevant to this event.

Second, with the attack on Minoc consisting of reptiles including Dragons, Drakes, and Shadow Wyrms, I was thinking perhaps that might be a clue as to where Hel'dah hid the book. Destard is where these creatures den, and therefore might be worth checking out.

Third, with all the diseased cats around Hel'dah's cave, they might be a clue as to where Hel'dah hid the book. Where a cat might become diseased though? The only thing I can think of is Blighted Grove. In the past, the events have liked to include ML dungeons that have not previously been open. Perhaps a check of the Blighted Grove might be worthwhile? I checked it when we were looking for Hel'dah's cave and it wasn't open then, but we didn't know about Hel'dah and the book then either.

That's all I've got for now. Hopefully I'll have some time to get on this week and assist in the search.


Re: The Educated Fool


Rilose and I have been very busy searching around as many places as we could come up with to the whereabouts of this book. A few thoughts that we had, and searched.

Like the previous post... we searched all the libraries.

Then we figured... Minoc really has nothing to do with what's going on... so maybe Hel'dah brought forth these dragons and wyrms to protect something... perhaps the book???

We searched every book case, bin, chest, and everything in Minoc. We found nothing.

From then, we searched all of the shores from Cove to East of Vesper and all around.

Also, we went to the rune library and searched every single island that is listed there, again, nothing.

Just wanted to keep people from wasting their time trying these searches also.

Lets find this book =-)


Re: The Educated Fool

if the cats were a clue as to where to look id say they would be pointing towards the town of Paws.
Re: The Educated Fool

well, the educator in vesper Research Center tells William returned with a disease, so I think cats are a clue too (or we are just returning in all what was discovered before??)


Re: The Educated Fool

I went to check out the Blighted Grove and ran into Lady Teela. Neither of us could get into the Grove, however she knew of an odd NPC in the area so we went to check it out. His name was Jarek the Militia Fighter and he was blue which led me to believe he is not a part of the quest (see pic below). We could not get him to speak, he was not available for hire, nor could we find others like him. However it was out of the ordinary and so we thought it best to report it.

From there Lady Teela and I proceeded to Destard and checked all three levels. Things got a little hairy a few times, but we managed to survive. No book was to be found.

After that I proceeded to Shame on my own. I had a thought that perhaps the coal, ash, life and blood was referring to types of elementals and so I thought I would check it out. As it was a long shot, I didn't search every nook and cranny but ran around the first three levels a bit. Did not find a book.

I'll keep thinking about it, but for now I'm out of ideas.


  • jarek.JPG
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Bug Hunter
Re: The Educated Fool

The militia fighters used to have an area in Haven they patrolled but when it was blown up these fighters seem to have been turning up in odd locstions sometimes in the sea. I don't think they will have anything to do with the quest.


Re: The Educated Fool

I found that fighter as well when I explored the entire cost line in search of William. I tried every word I could think of from the quest and could not get him to talk so I don't think he's relevent to what we need to find.

I don't know I"m sure the question we are looking for is right in front of our face and is so obvious we will all be embarrased when we learn it... But for right now we are TOTALLY stumped!

Most of my guildies along with some of the members of BAD and a few others have worked, and worked, and worked and can't figure anything out.

Discrouraged, I think we are going to do some hunts for a little till we can come up with some other ideas.


Re: The Educated Fool

I had a couple of more thoughts...

Going back to Macbeth, in Act 1, Scene 3 one of the witches says "I'll give thee a wind". Perhaps the book could be hidden somewhere in the city of Wind? Or the Park?

The other thought I had is that the witches in Macbeth are often interpreted to be the evil in Macbeth himself. Since William's body has not been found and no one saw the murder take place, there is no proof he is dead. Perhaps William is Hel'dah, or rather Hel'dah is the evil part of William that has been released? Perhaps it is William's own dagger that was found in Cove? Not sure how this helps us, but just a thought I had.


Re: The Educated Fool

Question... so about these quests... all the items so far, when I press CTRL+SHIFT I can see them (they are not static). Will all the items be the same way??


Re: The Educated Fool


After hours and hours and days and days of searching... a group of SON's legendary warriors found the book. It is located in the NWestern most lavapit. A Charred Book of Dark Magic. It is magically shut, and emits a dark aura.

We need to find out how to release the book, and or get Mardoth to help us retrieve it!!!

Onward questing!!!


Re: The Educated Fool


On island of avatar

Cant get it though!!

We think there are two pieces we need to find....

Coal and Ash... is this book and the location.
Life and Blood.... (ongoing quest)


Re: The Educated Fool

This mandrake root there is a total coincidence, right? -.- It can't be that we need to find 4(four!) books. Job well done!


Re: The Educated Fool

Ha MrSunday you're reading too much into it mate. I mentioned the mandrake root when we were there and said it was going to be useful but only in the way that I could cast some sort of magnificent spell. :p
Re: The Educated Fool

rilose;434924 said:


And to say I went there when I tried randomly some T-Maps books in Luna Runehouse :p

About Life and Blood... indeed you have thought about a spell. However, my guildmates used to call "Blood" a dungeon in Ilsenhar full of blood elementals (Spirituality). Could be there something interesting?

Sorry for names but as you can see I don't know well Britannia geography (yesterday I found Hel'Dar cave, guest what...;) )

P.S. If you have not noticed yet, it seems guards has retaken control of Minoc.


Bug Hunter
Re: The Educated Fool

Well done on finding that book.
The odd thing is that it is pretty much on my doorstep and i often go there to clear the place out for a bit of fun. I havn't been in there recently though because i have been busy with the quest lmao.


Re: The Educated Fool

osd_daedalus;435026 said:
About Life and Blood... indeed you have thought about a spell. However, my guildmates used to call "Blood" a dungeon in Ilsenhar full of blood elementals (Spirituality). Could be there something interesting?

Nah I've checked over and over at blood dungeon, nothing there.


Re: The Educated Fool

rilose;434903 said:
Question... so about these quests... all the items so far, when I press CTRL+SHIFT I can see them (they are not static). Will all the items be the same way??

In most cases, yes. Not always.... but mostly.


Re: The Educated Fool

Excellent job SON!

Now that the book has been found and public notice has been made, we must look to Mardoth for help!