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Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

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Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

Ulrich;270921 said:
You know what this is just stupid...... and causing Vex more stress then it is worth..... She's just trying to be nice.... I thougt it would be nice to enter OoM into the hat because most of our members have very little money and or are new to demise..... I wanted to give them all a chance to get some of the items. I even stated I would refund all entries if OoM won because I would not feel right taking both pots even if won farely. Except the 20% going to EVP I would pay that from our guild treasury. ........ I myself could care less about the GP and the items.... and anyone who knows me can vouch for that. I was thinking about my guild...... So if it will make everyone warm and fuzzy, and think this is not a scam.... I am telling Vex to withdraw OoM's ticket from the hat...... simply amazing.... Sorry Vex I should have never asked.... :(

You're missing the point.

The point isn;t about calling you people scammers, why would i come on here to start a fight and not fight back?

The point is to inform people, i tend to give people way to much "credit" as in, i tend to think people know what i know, and when they do something, as vex did, i call them on it. if i were to do that it would be a scam, now if she were to do it, it's still a scam, however, she has a choice when told about it to correct the situation or not. You trying to be fair is good, you apologizing to vex is bad.... because what does she care.

Again im forced to assume you're aiming at a victimized scammer trait. why? because as it stands you were going to profit and still are going to profit, her aim is to help you profit, if you're only aim is to get the items for the weaker players, you could ask her to do that, which would make more sense in the first place as i stated.

I don;t know why you're dramatizing this thread.

Personally if i were you i would either A not argue with me and just agree so you can have you contest in all fairness, or be keep sounding like you're up to something.


Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

Lucifall;270927 said:
Oh nice, look, you managed to fully ruin her's day Kilaud. Happy now mr economics? :/
I'm yet to see a staff member come here and say its illegal, if none come, all of your words simply have ZERO value.

I never said it was illegal here, i never said the staff should do anything, i only showed interest that staff no longer care. Then i expressed why when question (why it is a scam) for people who might enter are fully aware.

AS I STATED not everyone is good at everything, i too am horrible at a lot of things, take PvP for instance, which im prolly gonna have to learn pretty fast after this. I suck at PvP btw. but i don't care, people who hate honest people who try to inform others while bashing them calling them assholes and dickheads, are my enemys.
Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

all i can say about this is... I know for a fact Vex is a trusted player/trader. as for you kiluad I will never in my life playing here on demise deal with you.. And at the rate your going im sure others will follow suit. I'm sure somewhere in the forum rules it also states something about screwing up peoples thread. If you don't like whats going on here go make a new thread about it BUT STAY OUT OF THIS ONE. oh yeah one more thing... close your ears vex..... GO TO HELL YOU NEWBIE FUCK!


Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

Lucifall;270935 said:
Please, if your gonna say something, remember it all.

Taking things out of context and trying to apply them doesn;t work while on a forum you know.

I was speaking about "RL" as you know.... as i stated thus...... weak....


Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

Absolute Hatred;270936 said:
all i can say about this is... I know for a fact Vex is a trusted player/trader. as for you kiluad I will never in my life playing here on demise deal with you.. And at the rate your going im sure others will follow suit. I'm sure somewhere in the forum rules it also states something about screwing up peoples thread. If you don't like whats going on here go make a new thread about it BUT STAY OUT OF THIS ONE. oh yeah one more thing... close your ears vex..... GO TO HELL YOU NEWBIE FUCK!

You know, speaking to or about me/what im talking about tends to get a response from me, blaming me for your own inability to not "ruin" your "friends" thread, is a bit.. weird mate.

Lady vex

Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

I may be going out on the edge here but, I want to thank you Kiluad. Why you ask. simple, My name is very large on this shard and hands down thanks to you, you have been labeled and with that said have fun trying to Trade on this shard now!

another thing. Yes I was trying to give all to my guild. They have been there from the get go to the end. I had 6 million gold in checks I gave them, and still trying this contest to get them more. So yes I am scamming everyone, yes I am taking your money and trying to give to my Guild. Why don't I just give my stuff to them. Glad you asked, everyone in this world good or bad has a bad side on them, and if I stated I was going to give all my stuff away to my guidlys it would only start a fight within the guild. People would get mad at him because he got that and I only got this little crap. He got the. she got this, BULL SHIT, thats why.

Oh wait a sec, I stated this already on the very first page what I was doing. Give 80% of the raffle money to OoM and 20% to EvP, oh ya but the Dumbest players on this shard fell for it, I tricked them, I got there money. Whatever you lame piece of SHIT. continue stating all you want. I care not what you state.

I have selected a winner, sorry to all who could not enter. You can thank the person trying to warn everyone of my Scam.

I have PM'ed the person and will be making a video to post of that person getting everything.

Hear after, I ask that everyone uses Pink in there Threads in memory of me, because this is one of my Last posts. Farewell


Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

I thought the contest was in two days... what's the rush?
Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

Kiluad;270942 said:
You know, speaking to or about me/what I'm talking about tends to get a response from me, blaming me for your own inability to not "ruin" your "friends" thread, is a bit.. weird mate.

I'm definitely NOT your so-called "mate". you are showing people who you really are, being a newbie to this forum (which it states next to your name) and coming into this thread criticizing someone who already has reputation on this shard. Calling what she's doing illegal and a scam. You really need a life. Go back to your economic books and do something else with your time.


Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

Absolute Hatred;270950 said:
I'm definitely NOT your so-called "mate". you are showing people who you really are, being a newbie to this forum (which it states next to your name) and coming into this thread criticizing someone who already has reputation on this shard. Calling what she's doing illegal and a scam. You really need a life. Go back to your economic books and do something else with your time.

I'm not a newbie to the forum actually, i had my account cleared/cleaned from the forum a few months ago for personal reason. as you can see by the join date.

Why are you telling me to get a life when i value honesty to people no matter what and you value reputation on a shard.... no offense.

Also all people are my mates. :) you can look for differences in us but you will fail, we are all human.
Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

you know what... I bought a ticket and only because I know Vex is a fair player (thank you for the CBD as well) If you are new or old if you have 800k why not buy a ticket anyways - well DON'T buy a ticket then I have a better chance anyways..
I'll tell you why...

1. Vex is well known and by approaching everone in a 'thread' instead of just 'in game' show vailidity. Why would they post in here and they plan to SCAM that seems pretty redundant here for Vex would only be setting themself up for a fall.

2. for 800k to buy a ticket in a game - who the heck really cares about GOLD in a game where every single monst drop GOLD anyways. I happen to have a mil check in the bank so figure why not?
To be honest you have NOTHING TO LOSE by paying 800k.
If you think you can spend it on something better, then stop whining and b*tching and don't post here or say anything.

3. If you do win - HOLY $!#%*^$$%^!%&*


Good luck to all who have bought a ticket


Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

Kiluad;270845 said:
Wow, so scams really are everywhere and not dealt with.

Honestly, Vex should be banned right now for this scam. Even if she does it "honestly" her main guild will repay those who enter just to ensure they get the house and the money from anyone who enters.

why in gods name are the admins letting this happen? this topic should be deleted.

YOU need to shut the FUCK UP.

VEX is a VERY RESPECTABLE player here on demise. So you need to shut your fucking bullshit mouth before i shove my foot up your damn ass.

<3 Vex


Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

Kiluad;270940 said:
Taking things out of context and trying to apply them doesn;t work while on a forum you know.

I was speaking about "RL" as you know.... as i stated thus...... weak....

If you was talking about IRL stuff, then everything you said makes absolute no sense and has no value. Hence why I'm still waiting a staff member to come here and post if it this is illegal, which probably inst, seeing this is a game.


Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

Subjazz;270960 said:
If you think you can spend it on something better, then stop whining and b*tching and don't post here or say anything.

No one was bitching but the people who want more people to buy tickets, they were bitching because i pointed the real odds out because i know most people arn't very good at math. anyway. the contest is over.

Just clearing things up imo.

People bashing me is kinda annoying, there are kids on these forum the rest should know.


Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

Kiluad;270866 said:
There's a reason it's illegal to do lottery's as she's proposing.

Anyone who benefits from the lottery's profits aren't allowed to enter. Reason being is that you get a free chance to win something.

doesn't even matter though. all i can do is feel sorry for anyone who enters it.

They are not illegal.


Re: Contest to Raffle all of my items, house included

Kiluad;270874 said:
I don't need to know you to know that you outlined a scam in you post. im not talking about a reputation you worked up so you can scam people out of their hard earned money. Im talking about the scam you posted. by definition you outlined a scam in this post.

Now as i recall a few threads down a counselor outlined a rule about flame wars regarding scam. they aren't allowed. Nor are scams. I would suggest dropping it all together.

Please don't call me names because you fail at scamming. If you let people who profit enter the rest lose, it's called odds, and the chances of them losing are greatly increased.

You fail to mention any of this to the people, thus it becomes a scam. As everyone knows, it's ILLEGAL to do lottery's they way you're suggesting, so most people won't even think of it being a scam. However. it is a scam.

Omg your pissing me off soo much. If you knew the fuckin rules that you supposedly are reading you would know that scamming is not illegal on demise. Its frowned upon... but its not against the rules. so seriously... learn your shit.

And its not fuckin illegal you dumb ass
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