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Death on the Battlefield

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Death on the Battlefield

Great fight guys, most fun I've had on uo for a long time. Much respect to yall. Good to know that we can still have some fun ass field battles. I didnt catch much of that battle on video just started recording towards the end of the fight. Did you guys get any footage of that fight and if you did could you send it to me? Great job I hope to see more battles like that in the future.



I wish i were recording that, it was porbably the best fight weve had in a while, if anyone got that video post it asap :(
AvaAdore1 said:
I wish i were recording that, it was porbably the best fight weve had in a while, if anyone got that video post it asap :(
Only footage I got was towards the end of the fight. Yall had like 2 or 3 guys left


WOW!!!! HOLY SHIt. A post without flames, GJ!!!! guys. Really i read this and was thinking to myself, "i wish everybody was this cool headed about fights".
grape-soda said:
WOW!!!! HOLY SHIt. A post without flames, GJ!!!! guys. Really i read this and was thinking to myself, "i wish everybody was this cool headed about fights".
Ya we never ever have a good even numbered fight. Its either we outnumber people or people outnumber us like 2 to 1. I schedule fights with M regularly and we meet at an out of the way location like Skara Brae or some cool town. Id like to get a good guild fight in Nujelm. Melvin500 is my AIM if any big guilds wanna schedule a huge fight just hit me up and we'll get it set up.


grape-soda said:
WOW!!!! HOLY SHIt. A post without flames, GJ!!!! guys. Really i read this and was thinking to myself, "i wish everybody was this cool headed about fights".

Two things:
a) your sarcasm isn't cliver or wetty (notice).
b) you need to get a job and get laid. you're tense.

The Warped

Furota said:
Two things:
a) your sarcasm isn't cliver or wetty (notice).
b) you need to get a job and get laid. you're tense.

a) Your ass-hatery isn't brilliant or even remotely correct. dictionary.com, sir. I suggest you learn it well. ;[
b) Refer to your own statement before attempting to belittle others.

That is all.


terathan33 said:
That fight was the shit. DTH stond thier ground to the last member:)

That's why we're giving you all the respect in the world. People were dropping like flies on both sides, as the dumps were timed well with nice synch. Most people run like panzies if a few drop...good fights, great times...hope to do it again soon. These are the fights that keep me coming back to UO.


The Warped said:
a) Your ass-hatery isn't brilliant or even remotely correct. dictionary.com, sir. I suggest you learn it well. ;[
b) Refer to your own statement before attempting to belittle others.

That is all.

Excuse me?


It's ok i dont blame furota, hes always telling me about his gf who models for playboy and how he helped program windows, and that he had 400 mil on osi once. He even told me once that he got his pure white balron slaying robe for killing 30 balrons in 30 mins with a macer. Ok u go kill ur balrons with a macer while the rest of us have to use 7x pets, Your just that damn leet *says sarcastically*. :rolleyes:


Whats funny is grape soda had nothing to do with this fight, yet he feels the need to start shit...this is what we call an attention whore...sad that it's via UO Gamers forums. Log out and go outside man...it's actually getting somewhat warm out.


The sad thing is, he only posts stuff like this when he wins.
The one time SSG had a (more-or-less) even fight with MDK (who had one more than us) we decimated them (without tamers, i hasten to add) all we got was mini-me talking shit because i dodged death by going around a corner.
Well, I wasn't involved in this thread yet.. They're gettin props cuz they don't run on dumps, noob, and they see a fight through. You don't provide details, and i don't really remember. But if it was a big fight and you were running on dumps, what do you deserve? Maybe a slap in the face with a dildo. I don't really even know who you are, and SSG for all i know doesn't exist anymore, if so they haven't fielded in ages. So AIM Klone182, or Like Bologna Said Melvin500 if you want to set up a fair fight. Until then quit hijacking threads and living in the past :(.
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