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Death on the Battlefield

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I am Ludwig Von Lith/John Kennedy/Megumi.
Sorry about the hyphonation.
I do not "live in the past" i remember it. You'd do well to remember it aswell because if you do not learn from the past, you'll end up like ODB - a gormless, insipid, talentless, deluded egomaniac who eventually gets banned for being a fuckstick..
DementedJester said:
The sad thing is, he only posts stuff like this when he wins.
The one time SSG had a (more-or-less) even fight with MDK (who had one more than us) we decimated them (without tamers, i hasten to add) all we got was mini-me talking shit because i dodged death by going around a corner.
You dont fight honorably therefore you dont deserve props, go afk at the duel pits and post more plz. Lmfao over 2,000 posts go shoot yourself irl.


Dude, i haven't ever gone afk in the pits (for more than 10 mins while eating or whatever.) Stop talking out of your fucking ass.

Oh yeah, honourable fighting? when it's 4 of us v.s. 5 of you on the field? Sure, it's not honourable to duck around a corner to avoid dying? Tell that to the Marines who duck around corners to avoid getting shot irl.
Way to make yourself look even fucking stupider.
I love how you compare UO to real war. The Marines? Are you fucking serious? This isn't real life. Nobody in the marines is casting ebolt.. and in real life you only live once, remember that next time you're out pvping on the street and trying to cast greater heal.


If you want a fair fight, send one of us an instant message and we'll gladly set one up. Until then stop posting and take a shower or something.


I'm no egomaniac, especially on uo.
LoL Mini me you owned him all he can do is giggle. The marines do cast ebolt though I saw one of them pwn some terrorists in Iraq. They parad his vehicle and then explode, ebolted it, they got owned.
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