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I am offended. I am offended because I was called stupid. That is a form of discrimination. It is discrimation based upon intelligence. Regardless of whether or not I truely am, by the definition of the word, stupid, it IS a form of discrimination.

Also, often times I am called a PK. I take that as an insult, because what does my red name have to do with anything? Sure, I may or may not have 100+ murder counts, but that doesn't give anyone any base to discriminate against me, does it? And what about all of these "blues" or "anti PKs" (As they call themselves, clearly a discriminatory term) who harrass me daily by standing outside of my guildhouse and attempt to kill me every time I leave it? And when I defend myself I am accused of house hiding, but I am not quite sure what that means. I used to think it meant hiding inside of your house and killing people for sport, not hiding inside of your house because people are trying to kill you and you don't want to fight.

Also, I am offended by these people who call me American. It's completely unnecessary and I will not tolerate it. I may be from America, but given the current state of world affairs, I take it as an insult to be called an American given only my personal actions and demeanor. I do not wish to be grouped with those who discriminate, like the American President discriminates against Islamic americans by the revived version of the Alien and Sedition Acts (Go figure.)

On another note, I am extremely offended by capitalism. Since it discriminates between the groups of lower, middle, and upper socio-economic classes, it is ALSO a form of discrimination.

As an answer to the problem, we should turn our minds to the guidance given to us by the book 1984, and establish within our world an all powerful oligarchy with extreme communistic overtones. Only true equality would solve our problems of racism, nationalism, and general bigotry.

But guess what.....


To those who just love biggotry:
If you haven't gotten the idea by now, stop being a dick. Think, honestly, is there any REAL reason why you don't like any certain characteristic in a person/group of people? I can't stress enough how obviously ignorant you are when you go off about how you hate *X subject here*. Or, continue, and get yourself continually ravaged the basic rules of society. There's a reason that the American Constitution has been the basis for many other constitutions and charters: BECAUSE IT'S TRUE AND IT WORKS.

To those who will not shut the hell up about biggotry:
Suck it up. You're just as ignorant as those who are doing the discriminating.
This is the internet. If you don't like the way someone is behaving, deal with it or go somewhere else. You have the choice.

Now see, I did not discriminate one time so far in this post. Oh, I almost forgot those who are in seemingly "neutral" positions. Rather than condemn them, I shall condone them. The ones who don't make a big deal, but just simply express their opinions, or lay down the law without going Jesse Jackson on us.

*No, making a reference to Jesse Jackson is not racist, its the fact that he is a huge cry baby who needs to just suck it up. In America, at the moment, any member of a racial "minority" or socio-economically disadvantaged group has a much better chance at getting into a college, or getting a job, or of doing anything then the average white male. I may be white, but I don't want whites raised above anyone, I don't want anyone raised above me. I want everyone to be equal, but I guess trying to balance the scales exactly never quite works.

A disgruntled player,
Ironically, this is coming from the guy who has a brazillian-bashing signature :p

On a side note about that, I'm friends with plenty of brazillians, but hating them is just the "cool" thing to do.
The jesse jackson comment is directed at who i expected to respond, and the way i expected them to respond. If you bring up someone as "controversial" as jesse jackson, everyone assumes that you're racist, or pulls the race card at least. So I'm backing up what I said before it could be attacked.

Anyone else's thoughts?


You know Bush eats babies? He believies they give him the power he needs to rule the world even though Cheney really makes all the decisions.


I could care less about this kind of thing, I just thought it was an amusing little line. Just like the idea of me bitching about someone bitching about bitching is. And if someone had a problem with that, they would be bitching about someone bitching at someone who was bitching about bitching.
Why are you self-censoring bitch?
im really confused... what type of person are you trying to be deepshade? the cynical comedian? If there was some sort of correlation to what you said, and what i said, maybe what you said would be offensive or insulting to me, or possibly funny to someone else... the way it is makes it look like a pathetic attempt at being funny...
Just some advice.