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The Mookington said:
im really confused... what type of person are you trying to be deepshade? the cynical comedian? If there was some sort of correlation to what you said, and what i said, maybe what you said would be offensive or insulting to me, or possibly funny to someone else... the way it is makes it look like a pathetic attempt at being funny...
Just some advice.

Well thats the last time i try and set you up with some people from the local demise area. i fukken go to all the trouble of creating a personal ad for you, and you shit it back onto my kitchen table. :eek:
and bull-liff-me, you little shit, you are the last person from which I'd take advice. now go back pvp, and be shut up. you litle shaite


Deepshade said:
Well thats the last time i try and set you up with some people from the local demise area. i fukken go to all the trouble of creating a personal ad for you, and you shit it back onto my kitchen table. :eek:
and bull-liff-me, you little shit, you are the last person from which I'd take advice. now go back pvp, and be shut up. you litle shaite

maybe you should turn the group-x down...i think it has started to affect you.