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Recently I quit smoking and since then I've had lots of crazy dreams, or atleast more dream activity that is recallable, most of them not pleasant. Anyways, I'm sure most vets have had dreams about uo.

So today my uo dream goes: I loggon and see the "server wars message" and of course I notice it's nowhere near the correct time or day for that. This led me to believe some new changes were being implemented. But then afterwards, nothing had changed haha. Not a strong finish I know lol.

Does anyone ever hear Uo sounds within other media? It's rare but one day I was watching random videos and I heard the "trunk open/close" sound and a "recall" in the same day. Like to me, it sounded like an exact match. I think if I ever notice somethin like that again I'll write it down and string together a video to let the community decide.


Congrats on quitting cigarettes? or weed?

I smoke weed quite a bit and never smoke cigs, that is, if I have the surplus funds around to buy weed, as I am not yet materially wealthy.

So when my funds get low, or I have been smoking way more than I should, I am forced to quit for short periods of time (5-10 days)

I am assuming you smoke cigarettes, quitting cigarettes is a far greater accomplishment.

But I have had mild withdrawal symptoms when quitting weed because when I smoke, I really overdo it, lol. These included dreams (which i cannot remember), sweaty palms during the day, and overall higher body temperature.

These usually last for 24 hours and then my body doesn't give a shit anymore.

Though I never remember my dreams, I just wake up all sweaty and my GF says that I was talking in my sleep and grinding my teeth.

I usually wake up dehydrated and wrapped in a sweaty blanket, it sucks, but it is worth it, since weed is one of those rare natural creations with few drawbacks...
Recently I quit smoking and since then I've had lots of crazy dreams, or atleast more dream activity that is recallable, most of them not pleasant. Anyways, I'm sure most vets have had dreams about uo.

So today my uo dream goes: I loggon and see the "server wars message" and of course I notice it's nowhere near the correct time or day for that. This led me to believe some new changes were being implemented. But then afterwards, nothing had changed haha. Not a strong finish I know lol.

Does anyone ever hear Uo sounds within other media? It's rare but one day I was watching random videos and I heard the "trunk open/close" sound and a "recall" in the same day. Like to me, it sounded like an exact match. I think if I ever notice somethin like that again I'll write it down and string together a video to let the community decide.

Next time you notice something not right in your dreams take control. That is the first step to having a 100% controlled dream. http://www.dreamlabs.io/pages/training
Congrats on quitting cigarettes? or weed?

I smoke weed quite a bit and never smoke cigs, that is, if I have the surplus funds around to buy weed, as I am not yet materially wealthy.

So when my funds get low, or I have been smoking way more than I should, I am forced to quit for short periods of time (5-10 days)

I am assuming you smoke cigarettes, quitting cigarettes is a far greater accomplishment.

But I have had mild withdrawal symptoms when quitting weed because when I smoke, I really overdo it, lol. These included dreams (which i cannot remember), sweaty palms during the day, and overall higher body temperature.

These usually last for 24 hours and then my body doesn't give a shit anymore.

Though I never remember my dreams, I just wake up all sweaty and my GF says that I was talking in my sleep and grinding my teeth.

I usually wake up dehydrated and wrapped in a sweaty blanket, it sucks, but it is worth it, since weed is one of those rare natural creations with few drawbacks...

Are you drinking also? When you drink you grind your teeth more and that would explain why you are dehydrated... If not then you got some crazy ass weed. I smoke dank nuggets and I have never EVER had that happen. :) Also I suppose people are just different and react different to different things. DIFFERENT~


i don't drink. occasionally wine, but like 5 bottles a year. i'm not a drinker, im a stoner. i also like to trip but my last few shroom trips have been lackluster

my dreams and grinding of teeth are not because of the weed.

when i'm really stressed about some stupid shit in my life, i regularly wake up covered in sweat or my gf is complaining incessantly about the symphony of teeth grinding that occurred last night.

also when i'm stressed, at night i will "urgent yell"

by that i mean i will be yelling someones name in an "urgent" or "stressed as fuck" manner and it sounds like something awful is about to happen


Seven Jr

The Easy Way to Quit Smoking, by Alan Carr... Seriously, 8 years of smoking, the mindset that I was over it and 4 and a half hours of cd audio and I quit. This year it will be 5 years since I've had a cigarette.

I don't even have the urge to smoke anymore, at all. Of course it took a little to get there but I have 0 withdraw, the first few months I went outside with the smokers still to smell it but aside from that it has been smooooth sailing. No physical addiction or anything, it all just disappeared it was great (No suckers, no biting nails, no toothpicks, nothing.)

I actually hear sounds from video games ALL the time. I've heard monster sounds bits used from UO in movies, I've heard the sound of doors closing in DOOM on movies. It's a big list, you aren't crazy I just think they get borrowed.
i don't drink. occasionally wine, but like 5 bottles a year. i'm not a drinker, im a stoner. i also like to trip but my last few shroom trips have been lackluster

my dreams and grinding of teeth are not because of the weed.

when i'm really stressed about some stupid shit in my life, i regularly wake up covered in sweat or my gf is complaining incessantly about the symphony of teeth grinding that occurred last night.

also when i'm stressed, at night i will "urgent yell"

by that i mean i will be yelling someones name in an "urgent" or "stressed as fuck" manner and it sounds like something awful is about to happen


You should get a mouth guard for sleeping. Grinding your teeth can be very damaging (Gum loss which in turns equals tooth loss). The grinding may just be genetic, I know in my family it is. The women in my family clench their teeth, and the men clench and grind.


You should get a mouth guard for sleeping. Grinding your teeth can be very damaging (Gum loss which in turns equals tooth loss). The grinding may just be genetic, I know in my family it is. The women in my family clench their teeth, and the men clench and grind.
this is a good idea. i plan on taking some martial arts training in the next year or so, i may just invest in a good mouthguard designed for that.
this is a good idea. i plan on taking some martial arts training in the next year or so, i may just invest in a good mouthguard designed for that.
Can't use a mouth guard for martial arts for sleeping. It will only do more damage. you need to get a certain type from the dentist or whoever. at least that is what i have been told.


I've used wellbutrin(buproban) to quit smoking tobacco a couple times(4 years ago then a few months ago) and it gave me crazy dreams while on it but not after stopping. The pill killed the urge for both tobacco and herb, I just kept using herb cause I use it medically(not just smoking).

Worst for me recently quitting was this dream where I get caught with herb by the cops and I'd wake up to this panic feeling of not being able to get away and having to take a deal from them to avoid my gf being charged.


Easy way to quit smoking: Rob a store! Best case scenario: You win 1000$ and FREE CIGARETTES! YAY! worst case scenario: You get to go to club fed, and you finally quit smoking!

As far as UO related dreams, I have yet to have one

Seven Jr

Next time you notice something not right in your dreams take control. That is the first step to having a 100% controlled dream. http://www.dreamlabs.io/pages/training

This has really grabbed a hold of me. I read some of their basic stuff and tried it out, the 1st night I had a dream I remembered, then last night I remembered 2 of them. That's probably more dreams I can account for in the last 5 years and the 3rd one was so vivid it was like it was actually happening. I'm highly considering buying this book because I love anything that has to do with mind development and behavior or herbology and natural cures.

How far have you dug into this? I am curious to know more.


Man I've had some bizarrre dreams last couple nights. Lots of them. I think because I had to take a piss halfway threwthe night, and it was keeping me on the edge of being awake.

The lack of coherance and sense being too much for me to post everythin from them here >_<

Normally my dreams make sense, but...I think there might be some slight dementia deep in my mind

absolutely no control except for when I choose to wake up. Maybe I'll read that crap above and try to fuck with my mind a little. Would be kinda cool to control some of this shit. Like watching your own movie.

Seven Jr

Man I've had some bizarrre dreams last couple nights. Lots of them. I think because I had to take a piss halfway threwthe night, and it was keeping me on the edge of being awake.

The lack of coherance and sense being too much for me to post everythin from them here >_<

Normally my dreams make sense, but...I think there might be some slight dementia deep in my mind

absolutely no control except for when I choose to wake up. Maybe I'll read that crap above and try to fuck with my mind a little. Would be kinda cool to control some of this shit. Like watching your own movie.

Today is the 3rd anniversary of a friend of mine killing himself, it was pretty wild... I had a dream this morning we were in our old high school, just walking around aimlessly and I kept seeing him in the hallways. Eventually I approached him and the clothes and hair weren't him but in my mind I knew it was, dressed all in black, black hair. He was normally a jeans and natural blonde hair kind of guy. When I approached him I asked him why he was there and if he knew he was dead, he got a disgruntled look on his face the more I attempted to talk to him he just got annoyed and walked away almost as if he was confused why I would say he was dead. I woke up and thought about it for a minute and hadn't put it together until after the dream that today was the 3rd year since he shot himself.

Strangely enough I feel like I was in control of the questions I asked him, I probably sound like a nut job but I truly feel there is a lot to our brains and how our minds work that we don't know about.