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Today is the 3rd anniversary of a friend of mine killing himself, it was pretty wild... I had a dream this morning we were in our old high school, just walking around aimlessly and I kept seeing him in the hallways. Eventually I approached him and the clothes and hair weren't him but in my mind I knew it was, dressed all in black, black hair. He was normally a jeans and natural blonde hair kind of guy. When I approached him I asked him why he was there and if he knew he was dead, he got a disgruntled look on his face the more I attempted to talk to him he just got annoyed and walked away almost as if he was confused why I would say he was dead. I woke up and thought about it for a minute and hadn't put it together until after the dream that today was the 3rd year since he shot himself.

Strangely enough I feel like I was in control of the questions I asked him, I probably sound like a nut job but I truly feel there is a lot to our brains and how our minds work that we don't know about.
thank you for sharing this.

i totally believe in a supernatural explanation of life

i think that what people call "miracles" or messages from the universe (or God, if we must put a pronoun to use) are not uncommon