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Dth Accepting Members!

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Dth Accepting Members!

If you want to pwn MDGAY and other guilds like this JOIN US!



TO join plz pm Lament not me.
LoL Old Lady your a fuckin joke. Haha most of those screenshots were ganks too btw. For fucks sake man you pvp as a tamer lol you think your good haha thats hillarious to me. Go fuck your sister you inbred piece of nigger shit.
Bologna Is Good said:
LoL Old Lady your a fuckin joke. Haha most of those screenshots were ganks too btw. For fucks sake man you pvp as a tamer lol you think your good haha thats hillarious to me. Go fuck your sister you inbred piece of nigger shit.

good job, why must you come into a thread just to flame?.... its a recrutment thread... not a "hey asshole! FLAME ME!!!!" thread....

as for this line "Go fuck your sister you inbred piece of nigger shit." whats with that?... why are all the 12 year olds calling eachother niggers now?... is that the new cool thing?... do you get off on it?

now one more thing... did posting that post of yours make you feel better? did it help you in any way? did it make you look cool or better then him?

please go away...
Spriggan said:
good job, why must you come into a thread just to flame?.... its a recrutment thread... not a "hey asshole! FLAME ME!!!!" thread....

as for this line "Go fuck your sister you inbred piece of nigger shit." whats with that?... why are all the 12 year olds calling eachother niggers now?... is that the new cool thing?... do you get off on it?

now one more thing... did posting that post of yours make you feel better? did it help you in any way? did it make you look cool or better then him?

please go away...
LoL thank you for the in depth analysis faggot.


hey bologna are you sifu chang's brother irl? just curious because you two seem to share a liking for the words faggot and nigger


Spriggan said:
now one more thing... did posting that post of yours make you feel better? did it help you in any way? did it make you look cool or better then him?

please go away...

Actually... it may have made him feel better. I dont think you know for sure if it made him feel better. It probably did.

Sorry... you wanted to analyze it in depth... thought i'd finish it.

Something tells me the Roadshow, I mean Home Depot needs to get his IP checked, Sure sound's to me like someone who was banned and come back with a new Forums account. I have never seen a new person join teh forums and have so much to say, look at Home Depot's Stats:

213 posts in 8 days 26 posts a day OUCH!

2/15 join date and more posts then 90% of the Forum Users, hmmmm sure reminds me of someone who got banned from the forums around 2/15...hmmmmm...


Revelations said:
Something tells me the Roadshow, I mean Home Depot needs to get his IP checked, Sure sound's to me like someone who was banned and come back with a new Forums account. I have never seen a new person join teh forums and have so much to say, look at Home Depot's Stats:

213 posts in 8 days 26 posts a day OUCH!

2/15 join date and more posts then 90% of the Forum Users, hmmmm sure reminds me of someone who got banned from the forums around 2/15...hmmmmm...

Hey gay kid that enjoys following home depot, make your own thread please? :)


Let me take this time to say 2 things.

First of all... why do you follow me? Looking up my post count and everything... thanks. I appreciate it.

Secondly... I still use the same accounts as I used with another forum name. The reason why I switched was because I was sick of kids following me and shooting flames everywhere. I wanted to start fresh and just try to improve the game, without the pointless flaming. I was NOT banned (although I appreciate the assumption. Wrong... oh so wrong.) If a GM wanted to, they could prove it. Shit... I could prove it. But, I wont tell you what my other name was. It's not important.

Post where you want, when you want to. But... I post to see if I cant lend insight to beginners as well as improve UOG. And... if I see a stupid thread, or if I feel I should make a comment, I will. Period.

Revelations said:
Something tells me the Roadshow, I mean Home Depot needs to get his IP checked, Sure sound's to me like someone who was banned and come back with a new Forums account. I have never seen a new person join teh forums and have so much to say, look at Home Depot's Stats:

213 posts in 8 days 26 posts a day OUCH!

2/15 join date and more posts then 90% of the Forum Users, hmmmm sure reminds me of someone who got banned from the forums around 2/15...hmmmmm...

ASarey banned my ass on my other account... when i came back to UOG i made this one.. and the fact that im being good is keeping me from being banned.... i think...
why should he get banned again? hes being good....

stop trying to piss people off...


Spriggan said:
ASarey banned my ass on my other account... when i came back to UOG i made this one.. and the fact that im being good is keeping me from being banned.... i think...
why should he get banned again? hes being good....

stop trying to piss people off...

Someone else sees it my way.

For the record: I actually was not banned the first time. I was never banned. I just didnt like coming on and passing flames back and forth. I wanted to just start over and help out both younger players and UOG.




theRoadshow said:
Someone else sees it my way.

For the record: I actually was not banned the first time. I was never banned. I just didnt like coming on and passing flames back and forth. I wanted to just start over and help out both younger players and UOG.



27 posts a day.....you wanted to start fresh....................then quit flamming people.......lol.........you said start fresh without the pointless flaming.....look at your posts, half of them are pointless flames.....well better start again....lol
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