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im pissed. i recently found out about the slayer longbow reciepe... I have a 31% hance to get an exceptional craft and 71% chance for regur craft....

I've literally spent over 1000 charges on yew fletching kits and over 300 charges of HW kits and i have yet to get ONE demon OR undead OR scorpion/arachnid with HML + SSI.
Keep in mind that 70% of the time, I get a slayer bow. I don't care if its exceptional or not. I seriously think there is something in the script to make SSI+HML from slayer longbows to be at an extreme rarity. it's fucking BullShit. I spent 35+mil buying up brilliant amber and runic fletching kits and while I've made some very useful bows, I think it's fucking bullshit that I haven't been able to make ONE GOD DAMN bow with the 2 mods I need. It's fucking bullshit after 1300 charges.
Totally ready for the next big shard to open.
only reason why im here is to stack checks in gauntlet...


really, I'd take any bow with Demon (or) Undead slayer (which I get from every craft 71% of the time)
After I successfully craft the bow (71% of the time) I'd take any bow with (mandatory) HML and any of the following properties:
Second Slayer (demon or undead)

I literally haven't got any of these combos after 1300 runic charges. fuck this shit dude i'm done trying. 2 god damn mods with a possibility of 5 mods hit aftr I get Demon/undead +hml and I haven't got SHIT
Ready for uosa


the difference is theyre not crafting slayer longbows where all you need is 2 combined mods.
All I need is HML+SSI on a 71% chance to make a slayer bow
1300 charges laters I don't have a single slayer bow with HML+SSI
fucking bullshit


that literally means that 923 of my attempted 1300 charges turned out to be slayers.
of those 923 charges, 710 were yew fletcher kits. Which means that after I successfully craft the weapon, I had 710 attempts to hit 2 combined mods out of 3 total.

of those 923 charges, 213 were HW fletcher kits. which means that after I successfully craft the weapons, I had 223 chances to hit 2 combined mods out of 4 total.


literally 923 slayer longbows crafted and NOT ONE HAS BOTH SSI+HML... shit is broken.

bye niggah! :rolleyes:
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literally 923 slayer longbows crafted and NOT ONE HAS BOTH SSI+HML... shit is broken.



Keep in mind that 70% of the time, I get a slayer bow.

But you get a super slayer only like in 10% of that 70%, so its already 7%.
Now its like playing a lottery 2 out of ~25 when 4 drawn, so should be like:
(4/25 * 3/24) = 1/50 (hope this math is correct), you have like 2% chance to get mana+ssi each craft in general when use HW kit.
Now combining all together we get 7% * 2% = 0.14% chance to craft super slayer + mana + ssi
Just keep crafting, and some day you get something like this:

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Maybe I wouldn't be so pissed if people weren't allowed to AFK resource gather the fletching kits that I'm forced to spend 700k on cause I don't cheat.

I think that's what is really bothering me.


man.... just got my 5th blade of insanity.
Over the last 2 months I've got about 20 artys and it's been 4 aegis, 5 blade of insanity, 2 frostbringer, 3 bone crusher, 2 breath of the dead, 2 ornate crown of harrower, 1 HH and 1 HoM.
After getting my 5th blade of instanity I seriously don't ever want to go to gauntlet again.
At least I lasted 6 weeks long than the other 4 people I came to Demise with. After 2 weeks of gauntlet they quit real quick.


man.... just got my 5th blade of insanity.
Over the last 2 months I've got about 20 artys and it's been 4 aegis, 5 blade of insanity, 2 frostbringer, 3 bone crusher, 2 breath of the dead, 2 ornate crown of harrower, 1 HH and 1 HoM.
After getting my 5th blade of instanity I seriously don't ever want to go to gauntlet again.
At least I lasted 6 weeks long than the other 4 people I came to Demise with. After 2 weeks of gauntlet they quit real quick.
what is your template?


I've literally spent over 1000 charges on yew fletching kits and over 300 charges of HW kits and i have yet to get ONE demon OR undead OR scorpion/arachnid with HML + SSI.
spent much more making katanas and never ever made a single undead/demon/arachnid hml. this is because first it has to roll slayer as a property, than roll super slayer.


What's funny about this. Is you spend all that time and gold and roll deamon hml and ssi. You make a selling thread and you get starting offers of 3mil. Lol


are you complaining cus u disnt make a 40kk bow in 1300 charges ? or that u ran a ba template in doom?
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