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my first attempt ever at making a slayer bow any good?


man.... just got my 5th blade of insanity.
Over the last 2 months I've got about 20 artys and it's been 4 aegis, 5 blade of insanity, 2 frostbringer, 3 bone crusher, 2 breath of the dead, 2 ornate crown of harrower, 1 HH and 1 HoM.
After getting my 5th blade of instanity I seriously don't ever want to go to gauntlet again.
At least I lasted 6 weeks long than the other 4 people I came to Demise with. After 2 weeks of gauntlet they quit real quick.
Don't leave. You are such a valuable asset to the community *yawn*


I think he actually still plays though. Frost would be a better argument. Now go away. Let us vets speak reasonably one to another.
I play.... oh you mean uo. I logged in am just not sure yet if I do want to play. Tbh I miss uo but its just not the same. I honestly miss the old days where people played the game. Shit you log on now and you cant go to brit bank and talk to anyone or luna. Everyone is afk. 400clients and its a ghost town.


I play.... oh you mean uo. I logged in am just not sure yet if I do want to play. Tbh I miss uo but its just not the same. I honestly miss the old days where people played the game. Shit you log on now and you cant go to brit bank and talk to anyone or luna. Everyone is afk. 400clients and its a ghost town.
At least you see more than 4 people logged in. I logged on to another shard today and even the people who are there won't talk to you.
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At least you see more than 4 people logged in. I logged on to another shard today and even the people who are there won't talk to you.
It's funny i left osi and came to demise in late 05 and since I've tried many other shard but I guess demise is my uo home. Even if 90% of all the people I've played with has left demise and trying to rebuild what I have lost during the last big wipe our group suffered I have to admit I either play here or not at all. Am just getting old and not as dedicated as what I used to be.
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