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Hey, war us.


Asmodeus said:
映像の戦後60年 あなたと作る時代の記録

I think the guy is better at 1337 speak than lament is with his DOTB guild name/titles


mm yes i did accept your war, err aleast I thought I did...

Dont try and act like im "scared" of you guys or something lel. Your whole guild is a fuckin joke and tbh who the fuck are you kids?

I lvoe that "MA MA MA MA MA" shit. That was so fukin clever ;O IT would be even more clever if you were fuckin skilled enuff to not spam cure and you can get out of it npnp ^^

ofc I am going to MA when the timings now are basically based on disrupts. Why else would they add in recovery time so you can just fuckin exp psn eb psn eb psn eb? What fucking skill is that?

Yet again way to clown yerself =< Sasuke and Furota or whoever the fuck you are are horrible.


Ejin said:
mm yes i did accept your war, err aleast I thought I did...

Dont try and act like im "scared" of you guys or something lel. Your whole guild is a fuckin joke and tbh who the fuck are you kids?

I lvoe that "MA MA MA MA MA" shit. That was so fukin clever ;O IT would be even more clever if you were fuckin skilled enuff to not spam cure and you can get out of it npnp ^^

ofc I am going to MA when the timings now are basically based on disrupts. Why else would they add in recovery time so you can just fuckin exp psn eb psn eb psn eb? What fucking skill is that?

Yet again way to clown yerself =< Sasuke and Furota or whoever the fuck you are are horrible.

First off, the only time you've fought me was in a duel. And it was only one duel, at that.

Second, what kind of an "elite" guild is DJs in the first place? Yeah, you really are Death Jesters, because we beat the hell out of Dunross so bad today he resigned. Lmfao. Actually, it was only Sasuke fighting him 1v1 with a blue healer each and every time (I believe it was Siccx). Whenever anyone else arrived to help Sasuke kill the chugging, being-healed-by-a-blue newbie, Dunross would recall.

Yeah, great skill there, eh? How about you come out on the field, Ejin.