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I am a...

My freshman year of college I got my roomate hooked to UO and he got so into it he made RL UO style clothes and wore them.... bandana and all... it was kinda funny seein him in his "Ice Blue" Robe.... :D Oh yeah his girlfriend broke up with him shortly after he made the clothes.... fun times...

And yeah I have wondered what kind of vein the rocks in RL are....

My Name is Adam, and I am a UO Addict.
(For the love of god someone help my ex roomate though...)
Well ... the other day I saw a pair of old curtains lying on the floor behind my recliner and my first thought was that i should cut it up into bandages

But that doesn't mean i'm addicted

Uhhhh ... does it???




pass an old abandoned warehouse and wonder if its a dungeon
(military & UO) wondering how much SSI an M4 has
thinking i cant dismount from humv in war mode
accusing insurgents of being stealthers
Thinking about guild wacking your commanding officer
thinking guild and party chat would be the same as telepathy
sitting in the middle of a firefight and wandering why your [Ban and [kick arent working
walking into an USO and instead of using instant messendger to chat with family you join irc and log in to keep your acct active

Hi my name is Sgt1st Class Daniel Fox US Army and ima UO additct



My name is larry and im addicted to midget asain porn...

... I think im in the wrong meeting... yeah.. okay.. Im just going to leave now.. "exits left"


Midget Asain Porn > UO
Midget Asain Porn+UO> life



I, as well, am an addict. I must say though, of all things to be addicted to, I'm doubly glad it is this game, and not something worse, lol :)... though, technically, I'm not truly addicted, as I haven't lost my job or car yet, hahaa.