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I remember when...


Re: I remember when...

Eastwood77;1491086 said:
you guys remember the guy that had the flame scrolls and killed lord brit on some game event. I believe he was a thief he was under some bridge when he did it.

That was Rayne. I played with him before and after he was banned for killing Lord British.

And, it wasn't a game event. It was initiation day, with the release of the Charter Edition.


Re: I remember when...

first time i ever got pked was at the crossroads, i still can't remember how the hell i got out there lol, but the reds (all 10 of them) were kind enough to res and give me my stuff back, and give me a gate back to britian, mighty damn kind of them lol,

my how times change huh? :/

btw- anyone ever read the magnus files? it was some UO humor website. That shit was funny.


Re: I remember when...

I remember buying a kryss because of how it looked.

I remember finding an unlocked house right outside of vesper, of a gm tailor and looting 10 overweight pack backs worth of studded leather.

I remember when guilds had colors.

I remember when I didn't have a bank box (or did I not know about them?)

I remember my dad used to mess with me, and say that inorder to get UO to run right on his pc, I had to wear that little pen that came with the game.

I remember thinking that running was a skill you could build because on dial-up pk seemed to run a lot faster than you... haha.

I was about 6 or 7 when I started, now I'm 17.

Dread Sun

Re: I remember when...

I remember changing my font color to bright red and typing "Sun is attacking you!" and watching people get guard whacked when they attacked me.


Re: I remember when...

I remember killing trolls with a halberd and few tables.
I remember some rich guy buying 200 horses off a vendor and getting jailed.


Re: I remember when...

Wait, what about when you had to walk through the gates like 8 times just to get to where you wanted to go? haha.
Re: I remember when...

when it was hard as hell to get to 100 skill in most of the categories.
stealing keys and searching for the house/boat they went to.
killing my horse (and getting guardwhacked) cos i tried to dismount in war mode.
and yes, the chest opening!


Re: I remember when...

lol yea the random moongates

hands down the best "i remember" was the abyss shard

i also remember when killing miners wasnt a newbie pk tactic
nowadays every miner you see probably has a pvp char whos already 7x, so you just look bad pkin their miner instead of fighting them, back then though it was like you were a legend if you held down minoc mines, people would be like "watch out for so an so, hes good"


Re: I remember when...

fuck it, ima talk i remember GL style man..

i remember guild wars, which were 100x better then factions imo
i remember disliking the fuck out of TTStoner
i remember as a newbie joining ICE which ended up being an RP guild but they did have a PvP side with those who taught me, Eros and Thoth Amon
i remember being able to heal when poisoned
i remember the first house i had been in was ICE's member Darius
i remember when he quit and gave me that house which was my first ever, because he knew i was trying to save for one
i remember the first house i ever looted when a house key actually had a major purpose
i remember using the stack bug to get inside certain houses at one point
i remember not being able to recall in/out of t2a (im questionin this its been a long time and i wasnt big on t2a on release anyways but i feel like this is how it was)
i remember townies (un4 sucked tho :))
i remember grouping with some people to fuck people up on another shard (i think it was atl, and we ended up givin up before ever pvpin)
i remember teaching jenova to pvp post-uo:r :) lol jp but i miss the 1v1 tournies that were held, like the top 16 dueler on GL tourney we had
i remember my first boat and sailing all over thinking maybe i could be UO's Columbus an find places people havent been since the game wasnt to old LOL
i remember hating the fuck out of ghostface killa- then becoming good friends with him and mase when i joined WiN
i remember when minoc bank was actually populated
i remember when running from minoc to vesper via the road was considered dangerous
i remember bounty boards, when counts and who you killed actually meant something :(
i remember due to bounty boards the top reds would go around with healers in fear of dying

Re: I remember when...

I remeber my first character and template ever

I wrote this out, but never actually did it.

100 archery
100 bowcrafting
100 lumberjacking
100 Alchemy
50 tactics
50 anatomy
50 taming
50 swordsmanship
50 tracking
25 cooking
25 camping

And then my second character (which I did actually make)

120 Swords (obviously, the +20 came around Pub 7 or whatever was Champ Spawns)
100 tact
100 nat
100 healing
80 parrying

and this kicker

GM mining and smithy.


I sucked. But i'd kill Orc Brutes solo all day and have a million shadow iron ingots, mine while I waited for them to respawn lol.


Re: I remember when...

hahahaha yeah man shit

i remember sitting in school, i was in like 5th grade or 6th grade
i used to get in trouble a lot and have to sit in for lunch
id be writin in my notebook character templates, names, what i wanna do, guild names, everything

its funny cause no one woulda ever guessed back then id do some shit like that, in elementary school i used to bully kids and make fun of people who werent down with the "cool" group, for some reason i completely changed an mellowed out in middle school but in elementary school i used to get cops called on me by parents for harassment an shit, lol an at the same time im sitting in the office writing out what i wanna do in a game


Re: I remember when...

I remember constantly mining manually till 7am to be one of the few gm smiths.

id be writin in my notebook character templates, names, what i wanna do, guild names, everything

deja vu haha


Re: I remember when...

jasonarp;1491841 said:
Wait, what about when you had to walk through the gates like 8 times just to get to where you wanted to go? haha.

GAHHH i hated that
i always got it fucked up and i'd have to go threw like 15 times cause it missed the place i wanted to go,


Re: I remember when...

I remember when you had to double click everything. Mainly potions and bandages.
I remember when Fencers became the most hated and despised class (Para Blow for 6 seconds?)
I remember when you had to have real skill to PVP.

Green Jelly

Re: I remember when...

brutay;1490481 said:
I remember my older brother trying to get me in trouble for standing on a pentagram summoning daemons. He told my mom it was a "cult game", and had her going for a while. Pissed me off.
Wow, thats hilarious ahaha.


Re: I remember when...

I remember trying to loot blue corpses in town
I remember trying to fight, open pack, and bank items as a ghost
I remember you had to say Vendor Buy to buy anything.
I remember carrying around a spyglass so i could see where the moongate would take me.
I remember buying 3 fighters and wiping out an orc camp.
I remember running through gates on accident and getting trapped in peoples houses.
I remember my first guild WEF
not a single one of us trained mage except for my guild leader who was like 70 and could gate and res sometimes. i remember having huge epic battles with TRD for the rat valley spawn.
I remember i tried to get a smith to repair my might mace and when he didnt give it back i spammed LOCKE IS A SCAMMER!!!
I remember getting jailed for spamming at brit bank before it was a rule.
i remember being invincible with my 9 charge magic reflect cloak
Re: I remember when...

in regards to brutay's original comment about how his mom thought UO was a cult game, i must say i remember when people started flipping out about games of this nature. i think it started with some tall-tale in the '80's about some kid playing D&D and then going about killing people with a sword. i'll bet some crazy evangelist started that shit. cos god knows after i play UO i truly believe i can go into the cherokee national forest and murder people with a spear. XD


Re: I remember when...

I remember, when you could place small houses on tower roofs. And in Bucs Cove, and on top of the building in Shame.
-Laughing about this red ghost "haha, so you got killed". Person behind came back with his blue char, and I felt so afraid and admiring him, because this guy was not only a GM Mage, but a Glorious Lord as well.
-Being so proud of being Admirable, that I made a screenshot of my paperdoll.
-Started shortly after a friend of mine, he gave me all this female armor, it ended up looking like a prosti. ^^
-Seeing my first dragon.
-My first energy field (I have a screenie of it, of course).
-Tailoring 2-3 weeks (a friend and me) fancy shirts, for our large smithy, without macros!
-The place for our large tower was to small, but the owner of the house next to it was at home. His name was BrAiNsUcKeR and a red, which made me nearly panicing. Without knowing another, I asked him, to remove his smithy, he could live in my tower with me instead. We lived together 2 years, then he quit. Never had to worry about my stuff. <3
-I killed my future Guildmaster in a duel, who was one of TEH pvpers on Drach (was lucky, was a Mage with Quaterstaff, and I took all of his dex).
-Bladespirits sitting down.
-2nd Day: going to a shard event at Brit gy, beeing dead after 2 secs.
-Fishing, to sell the fishsteaks. Then the fishing patch happend, and i got so fucking rich in like 5 days (I sold large paintings for like 200-300k). You just catched the mibs without to have to kill a sea serpent, you could fish into a waterhole through walls (and I had a house in the jungle, next to a waterhole).
-My first time being red (but only during server wars).
-Being alone in a dungeon for the first time, I was sooo afraid, but of course I made a screenshot, 3 cm after shame entrance, standing there in war mode, looking really mean and brave.
-Trinsic under attack
-My first killed wyrm.
-Z*M, a guild I loved from the first day I saw it, and 1 year later I was able to join it, I was very proud.