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Imbus is killing Felluca

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Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Personally I love RPing in uo but I don't like imbues. For a couple of reasons, f

#1) The town of delucia, why must everything be elves and purple shit, I hate the elves graphics and seeing as we all can't be elves it makes no sense to have the main town a elf town when 100% of the players are human!
#2) Nobody is there anyway, Everytime I go to town there is just tamers getting ready to go farm no RPers, I walk around to the local guildhouses and they are dead too.
#3) No need for duplicate map's, Its pointless to have duplicate maps we now have 2 t2a's for no reason thus thinning the shard, and most of the time I see the Rp guilds in britannia anyway recruiting so why have a duplicate map if they are all going to be there, we should have use Ilshinar!
#4) Part of the RP experience is to defend yourself, there is no point to having a adventurer without dangers, We should have to worry about murderer's when we go outside of town.
#5) We should have been able to solve all the griefing problems without creating a new map, we could have established a RP Town like Occelo or Jhelom or one of the ghost town cities and gave Good RP guilds a Guild House in each where they would be under Guards so they could at least talk and hangout without fear of getting killed if they wanted!


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Dr Zoidberg said:
Yeah me too, its kinda ironic. Im getting negative rep, for asking how to play by their rules.
lol i gave up on rep.... no point, people -rep you for telling the truth
Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

yes....ive been gettin the same thing....bad rep for saying somthin good about someone...its stupid, they should tell u who reps u and who gives u bad rep so u can sync drop em with bad rep pts....

Dr Zoidberg

Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

well rep doesnt matter since it cant be used for anything, but when people chose it as their form of expression, its communication just like exchange of words.

the fact that its anonymous and with no comments makes it a funny guessing game. Like, "Why did this piss someone off?" and "Who did it piss off?" and such.

Here, i can only assume its a RPer that dont want PKs. I was just asking what the 'rules' were, since they claim PKers are allowed, but restricted. Like, I would like to PK there, but i dont want to break the 'rules'.

I cant understand why that would piss someone off, but im not a trammie/RPer and i dont understand their inferior state of mind.

Its like communicating with a dog. You have to consider what you have recently done that it could have misunderstood and then go from there. A quite valid comparison actually, intellectually. They dont understand we play the same game, a hunter. We just hunt a more evolved, dangerous and cunning prey.


Dr Zoidberg

Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Bobby Mcprescott said:
And.. reduce loot drops in Imbus :)

Tbh yeah.

Honestly? Let them have trammel. YES I SAID IT, LET THEM HAEV A MINITRAMMEL DUNGEON.

Where an ancient wyrm drops 200 gold, and its the biggest monster.
Liches, that drop 75-90 and such.

Or better yet, let these babies drop no gold, but based on the skills of the character that kills the monster, loot will be like bandages if healing/anatomy, chance of magic wep for the fighting style, regs if magery, so forth.

So its a secure place for newbies to stock up before going out in the real world, but a place where established players cant farm gold in safety.
Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Dr Zoidberg said:
Or better yet, let these babies drop no gold, but based on the skills of the character that kills the monster, loot will be like bandages if healing/anatomy, chance of magic wep for the fighting style, regs if magery, so forth.

Great idea, tbh.


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Imbus is not Trammel.

I love how someone starts a thread to discuss something and it deteriorates into "Imbus is gay" and "Imbus = trammel". If you cannot articulate what you want to say you should just stay out of threads that require a bit of intellect.

I would much rather see the RP'ers in fel myself. The problem is we have about 500 prepubescent assholes who grief them non stop. There's no need for that. You talk about there being no risk vs. reward in Imbus... and I about fall out of my damn chair in shock.

You "elite pkers" run around griefing all day long with NO RISK. "Oh boy I might lose some regs". Give me a damn break. This entire shard is trammel if thats your idea of trammel. Reds have it easy, RPers have it easy, crafters have it easy... (bull spawns anyone).

Seriously... you guys amaze me. Who gives a damn if the RP'ers have a place to congregate and have a good time? There's no reason to bash them over it. If you want more action quit being pussies and actually join factions and play them rather than being a fucking forum warrior.

Factions are the only time you have a risk on this shard... THAT'S WHY THEY ARE THE LEAST POPULATED FORM OF PVP ON THE SHARD. You all run around "pretending" to be hard asses all the damn time but you're all a bunch of scared asses. Those of you that do faction "E." and the like do nothing but house hide.

Bottom line you all play UO like its playing Barbie dolls with your sisters... get over it and learn to die and come back for more (yes that means you too RP'ers).

Dr Zoidberg

Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Well, thats why i said i dont think theres anything wrong with letting them have a safe dungeon, but i think the ressource drops would be a really good idea. Because i think its silly to have a dungeon with more bonuses without any disadvantages. And it would be great for newbies, without adding gold to the system.

also for a gold sink, you really should do the limbo-statloss for reds idea. Would also be a nice balancer to reds.


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Some people write as if there isn't any risk of being PKed in Imbus. The evil guilds often check the hot spots for tamers, and often find them.
Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Yeah, personally, I don't give a shit what the RPers do - I think you've got to be pretty pathetic to go around killing RPers - it's the bluebie farmers who go to Imbus simply to farm I have an issue with.


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Dr Zoidberg said:
Well, thats why i said i dont think theres anything wrong with letting them have a safe dungeon, but i think the ressource drops would be a really good idea. Because i think its silly to have a dungeon with more bonuses without any disadvantages. And it would be great for newbies, without adding gold to the system.

also for a gold sink, you really should do the limbo-statloss for reds idea. Would also be a nice balancer to reds.

You didn't pay any attention at all to what Ryan said did you?


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

I fully agree with you Ryan, but I have an arguement of Non-RPers not staying in Fel... Now don't get me wrong, I have farmed on two occassions in Imbus, but I didn't like it as much as Fel dungeons... I am more used to Fel dungeons, so I tend to like them more... Its the question of those that farm constantly at the Imbus dungeons because they run little to no risk of being killed... And they AREN'T RP'ers! Which like I said, takes away from the profit of PKs on this shard.... Its nearly impossible for a red to get around in Imbus unless they know T2A like the back of their hand... And they know where all the teleporters are... So more than 50% of the PKs on this shard don't know T2A like the back of their hand... And they don't wanna know it that way either..

Basically what is happening, is people are gaining a lot from Imbus without having to RP any, and the PKs on the shard are losing a lot of income... Why go to Imbus if you aren't going to RP? I was told that a character of mine had an illegal name to RP in Imbus, so I never take him there... I hunt in Fel... Whats the reason for him to go there? He can get PKed there and its a lot harder to get ressed there than it is in Fel... The chances of getting PKed are a lot less of course, but I don't have the time nor patience to mark runes all around there.. Why allow Non-RP, PvMers go there and farm the RP'ers monsters? It takes away from them too now... They can run into people hunting, and now THEY have a lower source of income... The only people that are pulling out on this are people that Farm Imbus, because they are too scared to hunt in Fel... Which is ruining the experience for a lot of other people... Which is why I recommended making people choose between RP and Normal characters...
Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Ryan said:
Imbus is not Trammel.

I love how someone starts a thread to discuss something and it deteriorates into "Imbus is gay" and "Imbus = trammel". If you cannot articulate what you want to say you should just stay out of threads that require a bit of intellect.

I would much rather see the RP'ers in fel myself. The problem is we have about 500 prepubescent assholes who grief them non stop. There's no need for that. You talk about there being no risk vs. reward in Imbus... and I about fall out of my damn chair in shock.

You "elite pkers" run around griefing all day long with NO RISK. "Oh boy I might lose some regs". Give me a damn break. This entire shard is trammel if thats your idea of trammel. Reds have it easy, RPers have it easy, crafters have it easy... (bull spawns anyone).

Seriously... you guys amaze me. Who gives a damn if the RP'ers have a place to congregate and have a good time? There's no reason to bash them over it. If you want more action quit being pussies and actually join factions and play them rather than being a fucking forum warrior.

Factions are the only time you have a risk on this shard... THAT'S WHY THEY ARE THE LEAST POPULATED FORM OF PVP ON THE SHARD. You all run around "pretending" to be hard asses all the damn time but you're all a bunch of scared asses. Those of you that do faction "E." and the like do nothing but house hide.

Bottom line you all play UO like its playing Barbie dolls with your sisters... get over it and learn to die and come back for more (yes that means you too RP'ers).

Well said, I totally agree that roleplayers can have imbus, but the issue here is the growing number of non roleplayers in imbus who are using the dungeons there as a free ride because pking there is not allowed. You may as well remove the fellucia dungeons altogether while the imbus ones exist because no one is going to use them as klong as they have safer alternate means for farming gold.

Personaly, i think roleplayers should have some sort of tag on them in imbus like a simple [RP] tag that is gm granted, and anyone who doesn't have this tag should be fair game for pks. This would stop free farmins for blues in imbus.


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

PK's shouldn't PK for profit, they should pk because they like killing other players. Not to mention you can kill one ancient wyrm and get twice as much from if you just killed a player. the pk profit arguement is null.


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Balron of UOG said:
Well said, I totally agree that roleplayers can have imbus, but the issue here is the growing number of non roleplayers in imbus who are using the dungeons there as a free ride because pking there is not allowed. You may as well remove the fellucia dungeons altogether while the imbus ones exist because no one is going to use them as klong as they have safer alternate means for farming gold.

Personaly, i think roleplayers should have some sort of tag on them in imbus like a simple [RP] tag that is gm granted, and anyone who doesn't have this tag should be fair game for pks. This would stop free farmins for blues in imbus.

Well said on the first part, but the second... I kinda agree with... Its just... PKs have a hard time getting around... How many people do you know that will try to run for 5 minutes to go PvP in a dungeon, when they can run around for 2 outside town in fel and kill 3 n00bs? Don't know many peeps that would do this.. PLUS those PKs that DO run around in Imbus to PK in dungeons, take the risk of either 1 - Running into a batch of Hunters, not just one... Or 2 - Wasting their time because the dungeon was empty... Now they have to run ALL the way back...

Just not feasible enough to go into Imbus to hunt players as a PK... You can't escape when you're out numbered... It takes forever to find peeps in those dungeons, and by the time you get there... You may have already killed a few peeps on the way.... Which now means you could possibly be low on resources... As a PK who runs through dungeons in fel... They can recall in and out... Allowing for the hit and run mode... Which is basically the most efficient way to do it... But since hunters don't hunt in Fel dungeons... Whats the use of doing that?


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Drayven said:
Its the question of those that farm constantly at the Imbus dungeons because they run little to no risk of being killed... And they AREN'T RP'ers!

There is less risk in Imbus, yes, because less PKers go there. But that is up to the PKers; they choose to not hit these hot spots in Imbus.


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

I totally agree with the above post! join factions.

Edit: the above post was not there when I was writing this post. :<


Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

Stevian said:
PK's shouldn't PK for profit, they should pk because they like killing other players. Not to mention you can kill one ancient wyrm and get twice as much from if you just killed a player. the pk profit arguement is null.

PK'ing outside of a dungeon is for player killing... Why would you risk going through monsters and risk death by them if you just wanted to kill a player in a dungeon? Dungeon PK'ing is meant to gain profit with... Other wise you run to much personal risk fromt he current monsters AND players in there... If you just wanna kill players, stay out of the dungeons and kill everyone OUTSIDE them... To much risk of death inside dungeons without any form of profit... And as for the Ancient Wyrm... YEA EXACTLY!!!! THATS EXACTLY WHY I WOULD PK FOR PROFIT IN A DUNGEON!!!! Find someone who just killed a big monster, and has that loot all the way up from where they came in from... That can be quite a bit of loot... You PK in a dungeon... And you are GOING to profit from it a lot more than you will outside of a dungeon most of the time...
Re: Imbus is killing Felluca

PKing is legal in Imbus, griefing is not.

Regardless, still too many bluebie farmers in the "roleplaying" area of the map.
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