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Jossy/Amnesia conspiracy

Sir Tristan

Jossy/Amnesia conspiracy

It was quite obvious last night that Jossy and Amnesia had a conspiracy for Jossy to win the page trivia game. Just when my guild mate Sneaky Butch started to make his come back, boom. The Sound of Music Question.

Clearly a chic question. I didn't see any questions about what team Mark Prior pitches for. Or who won the last NBA championship.

Clearly rigged, and a devastating blow to the morale of our guild. I don't think we will ever recover.


Had you been in IRC, you'd have had no reason to post.........

(One of them will be hitting me, soon)
First I dont know anything about sports.

Second if you were in irc you would know there was no conspiracy, your griefing cause the person didnt win? wow you suck.

The person that won each round won because they had the correct answer (especially spelled correctly) in the first queue spot.

And the topic was mostly movie trivia with the exception of guessing a bit of info about staff. Solution: go to the movies more often.

IE I asked the title of the movie with a clown fish with a gimp fin: The answer was Finding Nemo not just NEMO of NIMO.

And last, if there is going to be idiotic complains im not ever going to make an event again.


Sir Tristan said:
Clearly rigged, and a devastating blow to the morale of our guild. I don't think we will ever recover.

Wow...Amnesia, if you can't see that Tristan is just joking in his post (Especially the part I quoted above), I'm going to have to fix the wiring in your humor detector :)

Congrats to Jossy, the quickest click in the West....a pink smiley in your honor :p
Im not in the best mood, and there are many players that are quick to judge and accuse the staff of cheating. On a daily basis i get at least 3 hours of player griefing on how we are unfair and this and that.

So I didnt find it funny! and it was MEAN!


Then might I suggest you clear your head for a second, turn your sense of humor on and read through it again :)

Sir Tristan....come apologize to Amnesia....you are married, you know the routine.

Sir Tristan

Amnesia said:
So I didnt find it funny! and it was MEAN!

I apologize. I was just posting something stupid that was loaded with sarcasm and apparently not everyone gets my "weird" sense of humor.

I really don't care who won the trivia game. I was just posting stuff because I'm at work AGAIN, and I'm bored most of the time.

I was just kind of picking on ya'll, but apparently I crossed the line somewhere.

Again, I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention.
lol is that how you apologize to your wife?
lol its really good

I apologize to Tristan for taking it the wrong way.

OOOPSS! Sorry!!!

Lets all do the happy dance.


*wiggles fingers*

i can type 120 wpm =P

my secret was to have the page screen up before she asked the question...then i'd type the answer as fast as i could. hehe

Missha Wong

Nobody answered the question about Naruto, it seems :D

I was checking on my hubby's AFK miner, and happened to look at the screen in that moment when the question popped, and a moment later there was a message suggesting no one had paged, so I sent my page and scored that one :p
nah he practiced his "I am a married man apology" on me, you know the one where the man just gives up and makes the woman believe she is always right!
Id say you got a phd on that Tristan! :D
But i had fun reading it... it was coolies

I admit i was harsh... sheesh...

*goes and hides in the oven*

Sir Tristan

Amnesia said:
nah he practiced his "I am a married man apology" on me, you know the one where the man just gives up and makes the woman believe she is always right!

Rules of Marriage:

#1- The woman is always right. The man might be, but he isn't.
#2- The man should always have a suitable apology. Even when he doesn't understand why he's sorry, or what he did.
#3- The man is always wrong. (similar to #1, but covers everything #1 didn't)
#4- Whenever the offence the man doesn't understand is very severe, gifts and special treatment must accompany the bewildered apology.
#5- If you follow one through 4 you might be lucky enough to keep the woman who is too good for you and should have already left you.

Works for me!

Sir Tristan

I can't convince her to play. She has no sense of direction, and everytime I've gotten her to try games like this, she gets lost and spends her time wondering around aimlessly.

Wish I could though. Those husband/wife teams on the shard seem to have a blast.

P.S. She doesn't need to read this, she's the one who gave them to me on our Honeymoon.


Gah. So many unneeded rules.

Guys, there's only ONE rule, and ONE sentance

The rule "It's always my fault"

The sentance "Yes, dear"