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Looking for a faction GUILD

Looking for a faction GUILD

Looking for a guild of ANY FACTION.

Im not factioned, i wont join in any faction til i get a guild seeing that i never find 1vs1.
You can duel me to see me fighting
Post your aim/icq/hotmail.. if you are interested in recruit a g o o d pvper :>
LoL most of you guys in that guild fuckin blow except for a few. Ya yall mass recruit lol as for killing me at the gy house well good job that was prolly your only kill of the day. Sad that you outnumbered us with odds of 3 to 1 haha.

Power Armor

I don't see how it's fun factioning with more than 2/3 guys.

I mean, 2v4+ is fun, but it's not any fun when it's 6v3 in your favor. Where's the thrill? Where's the skill? =/


Power Armor said:
I don't see how it's fun factioning with more than 2/3 guys.

I mean, 2v4+ is fun, but it's not any fun when it's 6v3 in your favor. Where's the thrill? Where's the skill? =/

It never is about even numbers in factions.


SSG or whatever is the guild name isnt mass recruiting? They saw they are good cauz they fight always 15x2 or so, and they call it ownage. Like i was fighting 1x1 against one of em in brit em after he take off my refllect 4 more ppl came and like they said "pwned" me, rofl


CrazyJoey said:
I've only played uo for a week and cant seem to figure out how to survive ganks when im alone

God I love being the center of every frustrated dying newbs attention.
Like betty said, not bout fairness in factions. Like IC proved back in the day, whoever can chug pots 1v1, tamer gank, and bola and call friends is #1 ftw! :)