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Looking for a faction GUILD

Power Armor said:
I don't see how it's fun factioning with more than 2/3 guys.

I mean, 2v4+ is fun, but it's not any fun when it's 6v3 in your favor. Where's the thrill? Where's the skill? =/
haha yea where is their skill? Reminds me of earlier today when we had a 5 v 6 with those queers. Demented Jester ran like a bitch with his nuts cut off when we started dumping on him lol even though we did the honorable thing and healed thru your dump lol faggots. All fuckin scribes too lol. Only reason yall won cause Pharoah reflected explosion and the numbers got to us after that even though we didnt run like fuckin pussys which is exactly what you woulda done. Your guild is pathetic if you have to run off screen and cant rely on them to x heal you. LoL DJ you fuckin suck HoLlA Bitch.


sir you peaced us, with double our #'s and still got served. Do yourself a favor don't bother logging in, you failure.

P.S. fatkid porn is out of season .