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Lower Sigil Timers!


Lower Sigil Timers!

Yo, this is Resister of TDK. Yes I know I'm a newb. Yes I know you hate me. Anyway, I say we put a vote to lower sigil corruption to twelve hours. That would mean more defense, no early morning crap, etc. I'm letting Minax corrupt the sigils, please do the same for True Brit, just give us one. If not, oh well, I still own you (ha!)
Hi delta face. And no thier not fine, lower em. People will acctually wanna be on simply because other people are which means more ppl to fight.
I think 15 to 18 hours is just about right it does make u really have to defend if u want some towns. Can you please check the timers on Minax though i swear to god no matter how many times I have sat there they have never corrupted in 18-19 hours. In fact usually never even close we had two sigs the other day for 22 hours and didnt get them i swear its still 24 for us.
18 Hours is reasonably fair. It doesnt allow for 100% corruption while 90% of the playerbase is sleeping. With an 18 hour corruption time, Sigils will be guarded some time during the peak hours.


I say we lower the shit sick of staying up 18 hours and only one corrupts becuase half of minax are shitty pvpers.


Sephiroth, lol

Sephiroth, wanna know why they didn't corrupt? Because while u sat out near the front gate. I had my thief logged out at your sigils. Log in, steal sigil, wait 15 minutes, log out, RESET. Repeat and Rinse. And your welcome for Yew Minax. Kumba, I live in St.louis I will kick your ass lol.
yea 18 hrs is reasonable but since factions is obivously lacking right now it would be only fair to try lowering sigil time to like 8-10 hrs and see what difference in the amount of players active will be?



That is what I want, more faction interaction. Right now, it's mostly just log on faction char, go to brit healer, bucs, del pit, brit GY, nobody? log off 10-12 hours would mean more fighting for the sigils, more sigil defense, fun stuff. Right now it's what OSI's factions eventually did, GOT SLOW.


your pathetic resist, you ask minax to allie with your faction because for idiotic reason you beleive com and sl are together. Now you come to the boards asking for lower sigil timer, because your guild is nothing and your faction. try again plz.
I dont think anywhere anyone wanting this has said so that they can get towns. People want it for the interaction, i do believe your always saying "more oj's cause im KiD and i kick all yo asses!!!!!" so you shuld be supporting this then.
Since you play very little, how about you stay neutral and leave it to the people who do play more often and want more people on? :)


I was leaning toward Kumba and leaving the timers the same...

But they brought up good points. Lowering the timers would pull players to factions... which, in my opinion, is the only thing that can save it.

But... one flaw. What about a guild that starts capturing sigils at 0100? They can take the towns while everyone else is asleep/at work? (If someone didnt have work the next day, they multi-client a few chars and take the towns...)



So... lets wipe factions and change it to 1 char per IP? You can still abuse it... but it'll help.

*shrugs* I wish factions was saved.
