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Lower Sigil Timers!

Well as roadshow asked, if someone takes it at 1am or something. Simple solution is have the town corruption lowered as well, so if it takes 10 hrs to purify sig at base then lets say it should be like 24hrs for town corruption?
I say stop point transfering command. If you cant transfer points then you cant mule em.....hehe


Haha... two perfect solutions.

Stop the pt transfering and change corruption time... and poof! A faction inprovement, in my opinion.




Son of Wanker said:
I dont think anywhere anyone wanting this has said so that they can get towns. People want it for the interaction, i do believe your always saying "more oj's cause im KiD and i kick all yo asses!!!!!" so you shuld be supporting this then.

we have all the ojs possible already by waring com and other 3 factions, and waring chaos/order.


theRoadshow said:
So... lets wipe factions and change it to 1 char per IP? You can still abuse it... but it'll help.

*shrugs* I wish factions was saved.


Yeah, that will totally resolve the issue... :confused: