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An Old Lady

From now on I am going to sit at brit bank and tape poeple recalling out than post a video about how thier scared of me and thats why they recalled. Everyone who ever recalled was running from me, i got video to prove it.


An Old Lady said:
From now on I am going to sit at brit bank and tape poeple recalling out than post a video about how thier scared of me and thats why they recalled. Everyone who ever recalled was running from me, i got video to prove it.

Well maybe if you'd wear your false teeth you wouldn't be so scary


Uncle Fu/Mario said:
Yea ok it was 4v4 your "new res dexer" was running around with fuckin dp katana. It was an even numbered fight I was afk at the time as you can see cause I am inactive standing down by the path. The fight was even numbered and yea you guys might have dropped a couple of us, but Im just curious to know if you have the videos of the 3 encounters we had before that one? Probably not, because yall got fuckin owned so please dont post shit talk man unless you can back it up all the way you fuckin piece of inbred nigger shit.

Why can't you just say: "hey, good job man!" ?


An Old Lady said:
From now on I am going to sit at brit bank and tape poeple recalling out than post a video about how thier scared of me and thats why they recalled. Everyone who ever recalled was running from me, i got video to prove it.



Theory said:
lament you were fucking in MDK

frontrunning pussy
I know...
You were prolly the only chill person in that guild.
Thats the problem..
You can have all the good pvpers in your guild you want, but if they are annoying and go crazy when they die, then its not even worth it.

Tay M'real

this thread is...
