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Minax Cl ....


Minax Cl ....

hurrayyyyy for today is votin day !!! recently we have had a blow to the faction with the recent addition of what seems to be the start of bandwagoners let us pray that its not. yeah siris got us a town.... but u put our tithe rate at 80 FUCKIN % omfg i cant farm for silver thanks alot. let us try not to make this mistake again? lets vote for the most ACTIVE person /guildy to be our choice I know cuz im on 3 days str8 sometimes and CL activeness is a + also taking the time to say (minax faction Crafter at your hire im GM smitty and tailor discuss prices and jobs threw PM)


this has already happened a few times... with umm mobb or whatever the hell is name is... not sure who he was either :(
and no siris didnt get minax shit. Chuck zitto should have been the CL from thier guild.... he is always helping minax, and yes plenty others of PC do too..... i see them a lot but not siris....he didnt do shit.... just wanted to set that straight =)


RiFF RaFF said:
hurrayyyyy for today is votin day !!! recently we have had a blow to the faction with the recent addition of what seems to be the start of bandwagoners let us pray that its not. yeah siris got us a town.... but u put our tithe rate at 80 FUCKIN % omfg i cant farm for silver thanks alot. let us try not to make this mistake again? lets vote for the most ACTIVE person /guildy to be our choice I know cuz im on 3 days str8 sometimes and CL activeness is a + also taking the time to say (minax faction Crafter at your hire im GM smitty and tailor discuss prices and jobs threw PM)

dude stfu, he got us a town., and dont bitch about farming silver b/c without a town you cant fuckin buy war horses, so quit your fucking bitching and vote for him again


removed said:
dude stfu, he got us a town., and dont bitch about farming silver b/c without a town you cant fuckin buy war horses, so quit your fucking bitching and vote for him again
dude omfffffgggg like haha irl i was arround befor revert when we held off everyone the reason i dont guard long term now is cuz M and EE come in with #'s and yall run wild and chase down points i get droped for 4 points for pointless effort of EE and M go to the char search page and count the members of those guilds now think with a tamer or two and a raid with maybee 12 or so minax (most ive seen at the base in the past few days) no one said that i wouldnt fucking guard Siris has my AIM he could im me and say hey i need help at the base ojs and i would get me and who ever there asap use ur head befor you reply to my fuckin post without proper information . and nah no vote for siris get your BOSS guild to vote well see what happens in 3 days also AHHH NO FUCKIN bandwagoners!! stay away from minax. ~!!!!! 88 is chill cuz i kizzz hunts beetle wiff my mouff irl

top notch

did that for tax, from now on.. when PC = CL.. were keeping tithe rate at 0 and at 100 on weekends.. as for active.. im on every day aswell as the rest of my guild
oh and we got 3 towns

top notch

Son of Wanker said:
and no siris didnt get minax shit. Chuck zitto should have been the CL from thier guild.... he is always helping minax, and yes plenty others of PC do too..... i see them a lot but not siris....he didnt do shit.... just wanted to set that straight =)

ok asshole im probably the most active peson on the shard, i farm silver and hook up players to get weps, buy/set up boxes around base / guard for HOURS and HOURS / run sigs / me and chuck both started this guild and both have same intentions on where we went minax to go.. u field and give head for dick kthx

a cow-hybrid

Riff is right... siris is good, when he is on. which is hardly ever...chuck,seph,mr red whatever his chars are shld be cl he is the only one who is always on and knows what to do.
top notch said:
ok asshole im probably the most active peson on the shard, i farm silver and hook up players to get weps, buy/set up boxes around base / guard for HOURS and HOURS / run sigs / me and chuck both started this guild and both have same intentions on where we went minax to go.. u field and give head for dick kthx
You aint active in minax for shit..... you wasnt even on the right we was guarding where we got plenty of people to stay up late as we could, which was like 5am. You wasnt on the next morning when we took yew. You havent been on doing shit at base or around the towns pvping for minax. Chuck is my boy.... but you sir are worthless.