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Minax Cl ....


do you really? hell if i know, im neither of them i just dont know why your so famous its not like well i dont want to talk shit. Your um decent i think.


uh sorry siris i stole most the sigils when we get them ask alot of the people i get them then yall loose them when guarding well ill be on tonight hopefully with my guildys :>
omg spliff is jizzmaster?!?! If so then dont you come back, i told you to come back like 100x and you said no! BUT FOR AFRO OR NACHO U COME BACK?!?!?!?!
Way to go MDK you offically learned how to cheat the system and keep changing your ip to make new chars to vote yourself commander of Minax. Just like you to know pc wont be helping you guys out at all anymore so good luck holding towns. Anybody willing to bet these screw ups lose most or all there towns in one day.