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nice die again, mickey=)

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idk who weezy is

i just bought a death adder 2013 and a steelseries qck+ control mousepad

any reviews?

also in the process of getting a new monitor, 60 hz isn't cutting it.


pat why do you not duel, you have 4 chars on top page and you just afk all day? you are a trammy pvper man, just sit on your ''items'' in this case rank. if you muster some courage ill be waiting to spank you properly if rug burnt couldn't accommodate you with an ass whoopin, I sure would like to. You talk a lot of game but you just play and talk like a foolish faggot from the 80s or maybe 70s, u almost 40? anyway come get at me weirdo...

and tech I watched your videos and man do you use more than 4 hotkeys or na? resynch'n all day I see. Nothing but macro'd pvp and you act like you are good at this game. Also you have cheated and once a cheater... yyou have no room to talk or any reason to feel the need to display your skills cuz the fact is you have no credibility you lost that after recording yourself and getting caught for cheating.. and playing with cheaters and your balls haven't even dropped.. and you aren't even the original tech so you are just a great big phony.

pat mcgroin; ima talk shit and act like I know the whole origin of uog and all its glory and continue trolling people like its 1995.

tech; ima use this name and cheat to make a name for myself if that don't work ill post on the forums until people like me or rem me anyway, and since uo attracts pedophiles who like little boys ill be loved..

carry on by all means tho.
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