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Ownagizer Bunny


I saw that 4v4 tourny with you dropping people with that axe. Some guildies and I had a good laugh watching people go from full health to like 10 in one hit. gg ;\


theRoadshow said:
Ok... wow. Considering the point of this game is to kill other people... and Own seems to be doing it like its his job... wouldnt that make him "leet", to UO standards? You dont have to be "talented" to be "leet"... notice how many tamers bola + all kill? Doesnt take talent... but it gets kills. The point of UO.

I love it. People think there better than everyone else because they get kills. Then... when someone comes along and can wreck them, they have to come onto the forums and post about how they suck.

Why do people keep posting comments (almost, if not a "flame") that are going to start arguments?


I agree, except for the bolas and all kills. Any player who needs to stoop to this lvl of pvp is a bank sitting trammelite imo.

Big Swanger

midnightfright said:
I'm Ownagizer Bunny btw, i just wanted to see what people thought of me lol, me and roadshow took 2nd with 2 no name partners in a 4vs4 tourney, final match was against gunslinger and some of his buds i think, they all targeted me and raped me good ;) lots of fun tho

rofl. u honestly care what people on uog think of you? get a life kid


Big Swanger said:
oh no namonaki !!!! plz dont whip my ass

Yea cuz you look so hard.



Hahaha Antarus! Thanks man. Everytime I see him post, I think of that picture and how pathetic it is. All he does is come on here and flame others.

Then... that picture appears again... and makes my day:).

Big Swanger said:
get a life kid

Hahaha... Swanger. After seeing that picture... I find your statement quite ironic... :(.

(Note to Michael Jackson: The axe used in the tourney was just a perf Vanq:(. The new one is just crazy. (I know it was because I was his healer... er, partner. :D)

Ok So I dont really like Ant a whole lot as most of you know and for some reason he did run from me in Destard yesterday when I tried to one on one him but hey, that is one funny ass picture and quite creative, not bad ANT!~ fight me next time please 1 on 1 in Destard, you know me I want call for help unless u do>


pssh im sure he chugs to, don't leave that out, and you guys who think it's easy to play a dexxer? it is. but thers more to it :< you gotta no when to run and shit.. and well.. yeah thats about all.. what am i doing here?


Him and his guild both suck. Why did someone even post about this? You know you're bored at work when you're posting about some guy that sucks at a video game.


actually I never double click :/ i use my target random orange which is scroll up then attack last combatant and thats scroll down, never do i double click :( and lets see what does the mage do....hrm bola me and call in guild....paralyze me untill all 5+ of my pouches are used up.......stun me back to back and dump on me.....i see the skill :( dont like it quit the game


Revelations said:
Ok So I dont really like Ant a whole lot as most of you know and for some reason he did run from me in Destard yesterday when I tried to one on one him but hey, that is one funny ass picture and quite creative, not bad ANT!~ fight me next time please 1 on 1 in Destard, you know me I want call for help unless u do>

Sorry Rev, not fight against you is 1v1.Im not flaming but, you have alot of 4am rolling with you now. And if or when you die you have 4am or your guild roll in. I know when to pick my fights now and know not to trust anyone but myself and my guild. Oh my dexer is Dead Sexy btw.

Im glad you enjoyed the pic though. Took me 30 seconds *cough* I mean 7 hours to complete.


Zaggi, how about you get your asses kicked by the Delivery Girls a bit more?

Those 2v6's make you guys look real bad. If you want I'll be happy to show you how to heal dumps.