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P F Fighting ------ 10/12


P F Fighting ------ 10/12

Here we have IC attempting to Fight me and Elton with only 3 people! Amazing, yet they can't fight with less than 5 people or this happens

Krrios attempting to dual client kill us ;(

Reality and Voodoo decided they would try and 2 v 2 us, First time Voodoo dies and Reality runs off like a lil girl. Second time this happens :

After dieing a few times to krrios tamer PvP, Krrios decides he wants to camp eltons house on two of his chars.

Soooo After all of that we get a 3rd person on and IC is know where to be found, luckily we find some SL! Only 4 tho, and we had a nice lil 3 v 4 in Vesper!

It went like this! ....

After GoshGosh bit the big one, we had a 3 v 3. The fate of SL didn't look so good well. ;(

Once it became 3 v 2, They decided to run, unfortunaly only one of them got away ;( No pic of that one sorry!

All in all, it was a great day, enjoyed the fighting, and thank you for fighting us!




oh and..

Doesn't always take 5 IC to kill you guys now.

I was on a newb pot tossing dexxer.. But come on now, you guys are better than that.

PS... sry for the low pic quality, don't go blind over them.
eh the first pic my horse ran out of stam right at the beginning of the fight but anyways that was the most embarrassing fight i have ever been in on this server not because of u but because red magic was involved thats a great picture!

the second pic i have no idea what that is i dont even think i was there???


Sir Elton John said:
eh the first pic my horse ran out of stam but anyways that was the most embarrassing fight i have ever been in on this server not because of u but because red magic was involved thats a great picture!

the second pic i have no idea what that is i dont even think i was there???

Lol.. Yeah it was pretty bad, I knew something had to have happened for u guys to slack that much.. But whatever, I'm a terrible dexxer... No you weren't in the second one, however Wu was claiming it takes 5 IC to take down a PF.... Clearly it takes two... But I've killed you guys 1v1 as well... I'm not that great, but it's all in fun anyways... Good fights guys.
All I can say is, enjoy the one single day you actually clowned me and some IC around for a few hours [yesterday] I've got more screenshots than I know what to do with of Elton and Photain dead.
oh well that sucks reality i guess ur saying u will never try and fight us without even numbers or close to it again?

oh btw reality there is a huge difference between ur screenshots and ours

all of urs is from ganks

that right there was seriously the only time i have ever fought u with close to even numbers

eraxor was the only pure mage(notice the pure i dont count tamers) who ever fought us a bunch of times 2v2

so go ahead and post all those pictures of u ganking the shit out of us make some videos also


eraxor was always good times.. that was back when krrios him and reality were the best team ive seen.. ah well

few more days till i fix my internet and then i can join P F again after a few months break
mmm i totally forgot someone (i just saw his name pop up viewing the thread!)

teh chaos

u were always a tuff sob and always down to fight no matter the numbers


Sir Elton John said:
mmm i totally forgot someone (i just saw his name pop up viewing the thread!)

teh chaos

u were always a tuff sob and always down to fight no matter the numbers

Heh, I was never "good" at killing, but my defense was one of the best at least :>

Thanks for noting me.


Dexxors are not legitamite PvP chars. In no way, shape, or form is there skilled involved. If you died to a dexxors its 99.9% luck.