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P F recuiting!!!!


P F recuiting!!!!

Come on, come all! We are recuiting Tamers and worriors, no PvP expierince needed!!! We are trying to compete and we need more people!!! 47 SPOTS LEFT!!! GET EM WHILE THEY ARE HOT!!!!

PS. Bring your cape :>



[sarcasm] i guess you guys finaly realized you dont have skill and want numbers...... [/sarcasm]

But realy....wtf is this?.... Tamers?.... worriors? ...... are you guys gona have a slaughter fest or somthing?


rofl! Wu.
Best. Post. Ever.

I was about to worry here. I was like "wow... they lost their elitistism". Then I read the post and LOLIRL'd.

Pure comedy. ;)


Hey, Wu Gambino I have a warrior, and I have a question. Does the Char need to be in Faction? If so I will join P F


Indeed fine sir, we are in the faction of the True Britanians, and we protect the lands for Lord British. You are most welcome to fight the forces of evil with us!
If you have a tamer, with 2 7x bonded mares, you're automatically qualified for a position. If the spots are filled, we hold the right to kick players such as Elton John so you can be part of the guild. Do not be shy!

Also, if you have an EasyUO script to throw pots like Kafi, you're automatically accepted. Unless your name is Betty Starburst and you're really a fat ugly chick irl.



count me in i got 4 days left in the faction i am in now (friend put me in sl because he wanted to act cool and got ganked a shit load :+/) i also have 2 thiefs for sig stealing plan on making 2 more so i can just log em off at each base when we need em jump on em PM me if your intrested in letting me join


7x maresx2+dragon :>

i am a tamer, i do enjo player virsas playor. one tim i acdiently pk'd a guy in wind. i will protct britain with you. iahve 7x gm mares thanks to MentalityTC. and loads of bolas.


Wu-Gambino said:
Come on, come all! We are recuiting Tamers and worriors, no PvP expierince needed!!! We are trying to compete and we need more people!!! 47 SPOTS LEFT!!! GET EM WHILE THEY ARE HOT!!!!

PS. Bring your cape :>
Does PF need attention or something?

PhireHawk said:
Oh, I forgot to say..

P F's only recruiting those people who have never heard/associated with MentalityTC.
Smartest idea ever...