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Patch Notes 6/6/06


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

The stamina change is unneccessary. It doesn't help to improve anything, and only serves to annoy. I had 3 different ethys fatigue on me in one night of pvping (a lot of chasing people into their houses etc). Also chugged probably a keg worth of refresh pots just from losing stamina while running at a ridiculously fast rate. OSI stamina loss was never like this. You didn't have to chug tr pots just from running from place to place, you lost a few stam and then it would regenerate itself before you noticed.

Other than that, I like the changes, theres always been way too big of an abundance of high end weapons and this should help to fix that problem.

I'd like to see:

Faction points displayed on MyUOG faction leaderboards for both guilds and players

Silver distribution, ranking system, and faction item costs reverted to OSI settings.

Del pond readded (since people insist on having mini trammel, having the ponds around at least provokes pvp since its in a popular area and easily accessible).

Faction kill messages once again displaying how many points you've received.

"Punkte" and "showscore" displaying when you say it to display your point total, right now it only shows the points, not a big deal but it helps to enhance the feel of true OSI factions.


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

Jenova said:
The stamina change is unneccessary. It doesn't help to improve anything, and only serves to annoy. I had 3 different ethys fatigue on me in one night of pvping (a lot of chasing people into their houses etc). Also chugged probably a keg worth of refresh pots just from losing stamina while running at a ridiculously fast rate. OSI stamina loss was never like this. You didn't have to chug tr pots just from running from place to place, you lost a few stam and then it would regenerate itself before you noticed.
A BIG FAT QFT fix that back that stamina shit is just an annoyance and nothing more. I appreciate all the stuff the staff does here but some times you guys make me shake my head.

Its kinda an annoyance like the weapons breaking faster. I mean sure it will help smiths but if you know anything you know that EVERYONE has a smith on this shard. And at the end of the day its more people spending time repairing weapons instead of PVPing.

Now that vanqs/powers dont drop as often why cant you keep the weapon hit points the way they were so when people actually get vanqs they can actually get a good use out of them.

other then those 2 changes everything else is good


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

Another post concerning magic items:
The changes to magic items in the last week or so seem to be trying to make them both rare & valuable, like they should be. But with items breaking so quickly wouldn't that make them LESS valuable in many people's eyes? I guess you could also argue that it'll just increase demand for magic items, if they're not lasting as long. But I think more players will look at it as being a waste spending alot of cash on a Vanq. weapon and it fall apart after a killing afew trolls. :p

Dr Zoidberg

Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

johny[nad] said:
Uo has never had an "economy" or an effective gold sink. The only time uo has a decent economy is when a shard first opens. Then after a month it's gone.

I had to say something about that. You obviousley didnt play uo when it began and for a few years on.

UO had excellent economy. Garriot was such a frikkin superman.
Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

OSI created the perfect gold sink: Hair Stylists

I realize they are donation items, but those ate money like candy on OSI shards.

johny[nad said:
]Uo has never had an "economy" or an effective gold sink. The only time uo has a decent economy is when a shard first opens. Then after a month it's gone.

Yeah, I guess that's why the prices of things on different servers were always identical. Oh wait, they weren't.


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

hey i like the changes but i run out of stamina to fast to do everything i like to do in the week and it just bothers me also please return del pond it was one of my places i went everyday for a battle or 2 PVP plus i have a hard time getting to any other dueling area. but other then that you did a great job.


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

Mark said:
You realize everything you said applies to armor as well, which the mages you will be attacking (you know, the ones with 25 or 35 stamina...) will need to survive.

Mages only use exceptional leather anyway, which can be easily obtained through crafting. Tell me, how are mage characters significantly affected by these new changes?

Bobby McPrescott said:
Pretty soon everyone will roll with exceptional, or low end magical stuff - it all balances out, so in the long run, it helps newer players.

The server may see the most players gradually shift to using exceptional and low-end magic equipment, but this only allows the players able to obtain the high-end equipment from dungeons to vastly outpower the majority of other players\newer players. How is this balanced? This change allows no equality. The players with the better equipment will go after the players with the weaker equipment; you know that's how it will play out.

In all, the recent changes to Hybrid were made to promote PvP (specifically more mage combat), not PvM, despite what the staff say.


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

It's another reason to balance your stats on a mage. Running on foot is terrible on stam though.
eekamouse said:
Stam loss favors dexxers fyi.
Stam loss is hard on everyone, warriors don't swing as fast with low stam. Food won't keep your stam up, refresh pots are a must unless you're quick to kill your enemy. Stun mages are almost as costly as alchemists now. :p

I really like this change now that I think about it. Instant kill templates are that much more costly and difficult to use if you take all of the new changes into account.
Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

Change after change after change after change, isn't this what ruined OSI servers?

Seems to have been alot lately with no sign of stopping, am I the only person who is concerned?


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

Trammel ruined OSI :/ it was downhill from there.


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

eekamouse said:
Stam loss favors dexxers fyi.

Stamina loss favors nor disadvantages no one because Refresh pots instantly restore any lost stamina. If anything players will carry more ethys and more refresh pots because of this new change. This change will therefore only require more people (PvPers, PvMers, really any kind of player) to have access to an alchemist character if they wish to stand a chance at fighting anything.


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

Overmann said:
Stamina loss favors nor disadvantages no one because Refresh pots instantly restore any lost stamina. If anything players will carry more ethys and more refresh pots because of this new change. This change will therefore only require more people (PvPers, PvMers, really any kind of player) to have access to an alchemist character if they wish to stand a chance at fighting anything.

It'll also work as a small gold sink because people will need to buy more regs for making refresh pots.


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

^ Consider that some players have recently had their gold sources made inaccessible\unattainable\drastically reduced. This will reduce the amount of gold on the server, which is arguably a good thing, but note that the changes have placed this gold\best equipment in the hands of the more powerful minority and that newer players do not have as much access to gold or to the potential of earning it, aka can't fight in dungeons, can't afford newly more expensive equipment, can't afford regs, etc. (NPC Escorting, which is proclaimed by Stratics to be the safest gold source, has been cut-back in the recent changes, with an overall decline in escorts. I've also yet to find a single escort that had a city as its destination.)

And I'm not sure people will be buying more regs, but rather will be making more refresh pots with the regs they currently have. As far as this being a "gold sink"... nothing is changed and doesn't compare to an actual gold sink.


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

Stockpiles don't last forever. Any small increase in the amount of gold leaving the system is a gold sink. Any decrease to the amount of gold coming into the system makes that sink more effective.


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

^ I didn't say stockpiles will last forever, I said that because of the increased stam loss, players will be spending a slightly greater deal of their budget on refresh pot regs without necessarily affecting their budget. We've yet to see how it will play out, sure, though I feel that any less gold on the server is directly attributed to gold sources becoming more difficult and scarce rather than people spending more of their money.


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

New changes only benefit the old players cause they got nothing else to do. They already have all the money/housing in the world. it doesnt really matter to em how much time they need to spent farm up. The new spawn map + the champ spawn will keep em busy/happy for awhile. As for the new players to the share these changes will totally ruin your fun. maybe you should consider divine instead coming to hybrid. New spawn change and loot change = fewer soloable spots = traffic = more pK = more dying = less gold per hour = more farming time = harder\ longer skill development so why not play on divine where everything is tough to get by.
Here are some facts:
1. Group Pvm will never happen. I can say this with confidence even with the new changes at least 90% of the player on hybrid will still solo pvm.
2. Tamers Tamers and more Tamers. Pvm = Tamer. everyone taking out ww/drag/mare.simply because mage/warrior are not even worth the time and trouble.
3. Champion spawn is dead unlesss u beef up the loot for example blessed clothing or rares. Gold/high end weapon wont do it. Its too hard too time consuming and its not worth the while.
4. DOnation for gold will hit high demand :D
5. Rich becomes richer their gold worth far more than before so are the existing vanqs

Over all these changes will do nothing but to desert lots dungeon floors and fewer char templete to choose from when comes to pvm.and its not a gold sink it just make people less productive it does nothing to the existing billions.
and its further diverse the rich and the poor. it will done more bad than good in the long run.


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

wow not one positive thing said about the stam loss and weapons breaking... Time to rethink staff? I agree with the too many changes at one time as well. Usually the staff makes awesome changes but ive always noticed that they dont really think about it or test the ideas, or really think about the pros and cons.

Weapons Breaking faster
- Smiths will be in demand
- Weapons dont last forever

- more time repairing weapons (less time pvping)
- People will not want to buy weps off vendors for fear that they have
a very low maxhp (and currently there is no way to tell max hp)

Stam running out faster
-Tiny most likely insignificant goldsink

-More annoying then ashley simpson trying to sing
-More equipment for new players to have to afford
-The need to switch mounts

Just seems like the staff get together for drinks one night, get drunk and start coming up with ideas and they make the changes while they are drunk ;)


Re: Patch Notes 6/6/06

All the changes seem good to me...for the most part.

I think you should be able to see the max hps on items, however...
In addition, I think the increase stamina loss on mounts is rather annoying, especially when you're trying to gun someone down and your mount putts out.