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People joining factions, without knowing....


Roman said:
this has got to be a joke?? I havent been on lately due to real life but you guys sound like a bunch of little girls..."i felt sooo bad" geez its a game!!

I have never read a thread full of more pussy laden posts....EVER! Irina time for trammel right?

Love ya!

real life hu? going through puberty?......

you dont have to be a jackass, and if your gona....keep it to youself.....

you where a noob once, how would you like it if your first week playing UO you just got killed and rez killed, and killed some more?
hmmmm...that might MAKE YOU QUIT!!!!!!

i just feel that people who dont know what factions are should get a chance to find out brfor getting killed for 7 days....... jackass.....


Pandamonium said:
2 things.

1: Change the faction leave timer so that you leave the faction immediatly, but cant join another (or the same faction) for 7 days.

I am trying to find some way that can be exploited.

Possibly people joining for soul purpose of voting for CL just to raise their votes *COUGH* Funsauce (Krrios: 46 of 49 of funsauce votes are marked as Muled/same ip) Thats about the only thing i can think that would mess things up, thats to say you cant join a different character on that account for 7 days as well. Then it wouldnt be much of a problem


I agree, although I don't "do" the factions thing too often, I keep a char in SL just for shits and giggles.


Phantom16 said:
real life hu? going through puberty?......

you dont have to be a jackass, and if your gona....keep it to youself.....

you where a noob once, how would you like it if your first week playing UO you just got killed and rez killed, and killed some more?
hmmmm...that might MAKE YOU QUIT!!!!!!

i just feel that people who dont know what factions are should get a chance to find out brfor getting killed for 7 days....... jackass.....
I have officially concluded you are a woman irl....A bitchy whiny one at that...and if i am wrong...I truly feel sorry for your mother & Father.
If you are soo stupid as to not know that if you join a faction army that people will coem attack you..well then youll learn quick...or you should just quit. I mean seriously boo freakin hoo...some 8 year old wont play uog anymore... Phantom it must suck being a 52 year old virgin.
Well this is also the reason TB has - points becuase people like that when big mean pvp bullies like phantom kills them while they are tradeing there dye tubs they quit playing that char or the game all togeather.

the quit instantly would be good but a lot of people wouldnt know how to quit. when i first started playing factions i didnt know how to quit to put a diffrent char in...

As for the voting aspect people can fuck with that already and its how some people gain points... they use extra accounts and just create chars then wait 7 days, then have them join the faction vote (or kill for points) then deleate them, and repeate it till they run outta chars.

as for roman he was never a noobie he started UO with full knowlage of everything and all recorces therefor making him god (bows)

WAIT! nm roman is the guy that is still a noobie right the one that will run whenvere hes got even odds, just because he donated money to get some gold he didnt have to start out being poor ]=


hmmm.... can we try not to turn this into a flame?......

there is no harm in warning people of what factions are befor they join...... NO HARM!!!!!

so for people like roman...... i dont know why you get off on being an ass..... just because i want to make the game a little more... player friendly....... dosnt mean you have to come in here and start bitching........ or is it because these people that join are the only ones you can kill......


great idea.. my lil 9 yr old bro joined tb and was so excited. He was like, "look! I clicked this thing and it gave me a cool robe! :D". I was like oooohh noooo! Took him 7 days to quit and i had to listen to him cry every day cuz he got killed 1000000 times and hour. :/

excelent idea bro.


Phantom16 said:
you where a noob once, how would you like it if your first week playing UO you just got killed and rez killed, and killed some more?
hmmmm...that might MAKE YOU QUIT!!!!!!

I was pk'd at least 10 times my first week on OSI. I've still been at the game on and off since T2A release.


Adrenaline said:
WAIT! nm roman is the guy that is still a noobie right the one that will run whenvere hes got even odds, just because he donated money to get some gold he didnt have to start out being poor ]=
I started this shard almost a year ago and i have donated. But i donated back before you got anything, back in the day when they didnt know if theyd be able to keep the shard up.
Fred you are definetly the worst member of your guild and can not EVER speak of my inability to PWn.

lol are you kidding me? I always fight even fights ask your P F buddies who more times than not get dropped when im fighting in a group with even numbers.
AS for you Fred...i do recall fighting you 1 on 1 south of the brit moongate. As i recall you dropped fairly easily.

I dont care if you like me or not, ill destroy you any day..1 on 1 same goes for 98% of the shard.


Phantom16 said:
do i have to post the picture again?......

98%? im afraid not.....

Jesus guys it's just a game. Claiming your better than 98% of the shard and posting pics just makes you look bad. Your both minax, you should both both be morning the loss of my beetle. Now stop fighting and help me plan the funeral.


terathan33 said:
Jesus guys it's just a game. Claiming your better than 98% of the shard and posting pics just makes you look bad. Your both minax, you should both both be morning the loss of my beetle. Now stop fighting and help me plan the funeral.

Im sorry, how selfish of me.... now...the funeral.... well we gota have rides and prizes....ohh and all his beetle friends have to come...... i dont like sad funerals.... :(



Yes the rabbit will be there and so will the 3x gm chicken, as far as prizes, hmm ok. Poor torro he had a wife and kids now his poor little bettelings will grow hungry and his wife will prolly remarry a nightmare.