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Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

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Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

I plan on creating a new account, mining and gathering without chances of being PKd, and give them to another character via dropping them onto the ground in a secluded area. Once my 7 days are up, which coincidentally is how long is needed before you can delete a character, I will start all over.

How about give them young status, and if they commit a dumb act he loses it? Such as a mandatory pop up for when a [young] lootis blue corpse, he will get a mandatory pop up saying this is a veteran action, and continuing with this action will make you lose your [young] status. If he goes to Destard and tries to tame a dragon, it is considered a veteran action and will lose his young status, etc...


Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

This is a wonderful idea, but I think it should be made to be a 30 day stay.
Not everyone is strong enough to make it on their own like I did when I came here. I full well understand that. I came here to pave the way for friends of mine because they just did not feel they could endure skilling again.

But this would be a great idea, but should be 30 days. that way the could in no way say they did not get a proper hold. Here is one thing that doies concern me.

Old players using and abusing this system. I think only and ONLY BRAND NEW ACCOUNTS should be able to go to Haven , so its not abused by people wanting to get over and SKILL new Chars...Make is so only BRAND NEW ACCOUNTS can go their.

NO older accounts please , this must be watched or ppl will abuse !
Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

Incantations said:
Old players using and abusing this system. I think only and ONLY BRAND NEW ACCOUNTS should be able to go to Haven , so its not abused by people wanting to get over and SKILL new Chars...Make is so only BRAND NEW ACCOUNTS can go their.

NO older accounts please , this must be watched or ppl will abuse !

Because it's totally hard to make brand new accounts here.


Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

Prodigy said:
How about give them young status, and if they commit a dumb act he loses it? Such as a mandatory pop up for when a [young] lootis blue corpse, he will get a mandatory pop up saying this is a veteran action, and continuing with this action will make you lose your [young] status. If he goes to Destard and tries to tame a dragon, it is considered a veteran action and will lose his young status, etc...
thats what i suggester, i do think it is much better tbh.


Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

You are missing my point....is that because you can't think ? MY point being that how smart is it to help ppl that already have gmed Chars on a account, Fine let them make new Accounts if they like but they will not be in Haven riding ethys will they?
Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

It's a bold idea and commend the staff for what they're trying to do. I think it's a good idea, but there is room for abuse, which pisses me off. You know some asshat that's a veteran is going to create a new char on one of his open slots and macro resources out the ass. Maybe put in a mentor program where a seer or counselor can pair up a veteran player with a young player and those should be the only veteran players allowed in Haven to help keep people out those who will abuse the system.

I know it still allows veterans the oppurtunity to macro as a noob and then leave and I don't have the time to sit here and come up with every exploitable situation and counter for it. I'll leave that up to the pro's, so exploiters please comment on this thread and help out for the overall benefit of the shard.


Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

what about the bonded animals?? for example a newbie can have 5 bonded nightmare when exiting the haven? right?


Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

they can put in a "new player" account thing like OSI, and not by player... since they can also limit accounts to 3 or 5 or whatever it is per IP i am sure there is a way to stop veterans from making a new account and exploiting this.

Of course they could always just make it so resources are very limited... i mean really, how long is it going to take a new player to actually buy 999 of each reagent... especially while in haven.... where the most someone should get for a kill is 100 gold. if they leave they are no longer allowed back in haven... and veteran players should have to apply for a companion possition, and they can not perform negative acts against enemies.. they also can't buy anything or anything like that...
Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

I think this is a good idea if banksitters and such can be kept out. While a vet could possibly create a character and get easy resources, care should be made to not make Haven much of a source of resources in the first place. If a vet can make more money monster-hunting with GM chars there's no reason for them to make new ones. There's no reason for there to be things like golden+ ore veins or monsters dropping thousands of gold, etc.

Granted there should be some education done within Haven by NPC characters about the cutthroat nature of the world outside of Haven. A newbie not educated about the Reds might head out of haven with exceptional platemail not realizing he's going to get whacked very very fast :x

It is possible for anyone who's played on the old OSI or other freeshards to easily gain money as a newbie here, potential is limited but it's certainly possible. I'm often mining in Minoc near the guardzone, which has the PK's leave me alone, or if I go up to the top cave I bring along a marked rune (using a mark scroll) and just recall if I see a red name.

But anyone starting a Warrior or Mage as a new player in UOGamers would pretty much need Haven, unless they discover a very out-of-the-way monster spawn that drops well.


Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

I wish you guys(the players) would make up your minds. First you say save the miners and newbies from shitty pks!! Then Ryan comes up with an idea that does exactly that, and you bitch about that. I see no flaw in this system, if anything, don't allow vet players in haven, and just script some helper npcs that can do a better job then a vet player could in the first place.
Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

My thoughts on Haven:

At first its a very good idea, however I think vet chars should be FORBIDDEN to enter unless they sign up for "mentoring", that would be signing up and then be randomly assigned to a new player, which they would help. This would be optional on both sides (so a well seasoned player just starting on gamers wouldnt likely need any help). At the end of the mentoring process (lasting an arbitrary amount of time), the newbie would be presented with an automated poll asking if his mentor was good, this would serve to rate a mentor, and the higher their score, the better reward he would get (rewards being irrelevant, just things like a blessed sash "I help newbies"). A mentor getting negative score (for being a jerk) would be disqualified to sign up again.
This way newbies get help, players get to help, everyone meets people and vets get a little something for their time (which cant be attained otherwise).
On a side note: mentors wouldnt be able to interact with Haven or leave it until the mentoring time has expired or both him and his pupil resigned from the whole thing.
Haven + Mentors = Supreme. (Credit given to Jenova, who suggested it 1st)

On statloss:

Ok, the whole Haven thing wont stop the PK rampage. Sure, complete newbies would be safe for a week, but it wouldnt stop the fucktard teens from running in with explo precast and ganking blues 5 on 1.
I think there must be something to deter the murderers, being it more aimed at the griefing pks than the real ones.
There has to be consequences for being a murderer, as there are for being a thief or for venturing out of town alone.

That answer is not statloss, but a new status.

Enter the Trammie status (just making up a name for it). When a player gets over an arbitrary amount of short terms counts (lets say 5) and dies, instead of being subject to statloss, they would be in Trammie status.
The rules for Trammie status would be very similar to the ones of statloss, but instead of losing skills, players would lose the ability to attack innocent (blue) players until their counts wore off. So, they would still be able to attack grays, reds and other "trammies", but would not be able to initiate negative actions on blue players.
This way, when a red is killed, instead of losing their hard-earned skills (cough) or needing to macro his char for hours, they would just be harmless to the blues for a given amount of time.
Also, trammies would highlight a different color (i suggest pink) and have a [Trammie] stuck to their names for the duration of the status.
And please don't complain about blues being able to attack "trammies" freely, because that would make the blues gray to the victim, and therefore freely killable. A "trammie" would be able to defend himself, just not run rampant for a while.
Even more, when a blue attacks a "trammie", he becomes gray to all other trammies, this way pvp is not hurt, only mindless pking is. With this new status, the "victim playerbase" would get some relief, as pks would be put out of the pking business for a short time, thus reducing the ammount of blues ganked / hour.

To sum it up: instead of taking away their stats, take away their ability to grief newbies.

Why would i like it to be "trammie" status? To add insult to injury i guess :D


Yeah, i suck, the trammie status is crazy, griefers have the divine right to ruin other people's game (sarcasm)

PS: and add the damn bounty boards, goddamit!

EDIT: Or instead, just add the penal colony thing, that would be much cooler without having to modify acknowledged and proven game rules. :)
Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

I think Haven is a great idea maybe there can be a training center or something to that nature. I also think that there should be some type of give/recieve box where veteran players can put weapons in a box and newbie players can pick what they want out because most of us veterans do not keep any weapons lower than force or some like me dont keep any under power i ussually drop them at mg bank or just toss them in the trash it would be cool to drop them in a box and newbies be able to pick them up and use them.

To fix the pking I think the trammie status idea is pretty cool to that would be something to vote on:p


Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

Prodigy said:
Because it's totally hard to make brand new accounts here.

hehe, true that :p

Labeling their IP address would be more effective. Probably.

Also, giving each noobie a short and to the point in game manual might be nice. Something that gives a short description of spells, potions, weapons. Like the book OSI used to hand out with the game. Now you just get a lil thing that tells you how to make an account with lil to no info about the game :z

Pretty sweet idea chief, wish I had that. Cause when i went out to a noobie graveyard and was killed by a red than than started calling me a "faggish lil noob" act act. I was like "what the hell, i'm new!". Good to see your gonna try and stop this kind of crap :D
Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

I REALLY like the idea of the Trammie status o_O

It doesn't have to be for an extremely long time, but it's a better solution than statloss in my mind. I mean griefers would basically lose their char for that period of time if they just use it for griefing, while normal PK's will be fighting capable Blues anyway so as long as they stick into decent-sized groups they'll still be able to fight.

Make sure that if an attacker is flagged grey to someone in Trammie status, anyone who heals that attacker is also grey to them. If that's not already implemented it should be in this specific situation, otherwise it'll be like guildwars when blue healers ruined things.

Also thieves should not be counted as blue in this case, as otherwise they could really screw with the Trammies ;x

And a better name than Trammies would be required, of course, otherwise you'll get people leaving just on principle :p


Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

i think additional non tournament or duel based events and quests..... some sort of haven with skripted npc's that explain how certain skill types work, or a pop up website windows that does the same thing...
Along with this "LAMER" aka "tram" status might work out well....


Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

Upon reading this I have been swarmed with mixed feelings. For some reason I can't articulate all of them but the ones I can I will. I think haven is great idea. It provides a platform for new players that I never had and some of my friends would benifit greatly from this. Lots of other positives that people have already touched on that I won't waste Ryans time.

Possible flaw that I see is the rise of the tamer again. People would be able to GM a taming template really fast and bam people will soon start to complain about tamers again. Also the other thing which others have said but I do think is important is the fact that if we do implement this new land, we can't sit back and be happy and say "Job done GG". This should be only the first step towards a better community. Might I add the community is the reason I came back to the game. The people on this shard are awesome and without their kindness and their fun nature, I would not be here posting on this forum. Lets work together to think of otherways of improving this great community before we let other forces destroy us.

Re: Possible solution to the new player retention problem...

I agree this is a decent idea however the whole idea of ruining PvP i am thinking is pretty impossible. Though I participate in PvP as much as the next guy , alot of people i know (some noobie extremists ) complain that PvP is out of hand. I think its perfectly balanced but i think that the haven idea will definetly increase the player base.

P.S sry if his didnt make alot of sense i tried but im tired...n i wanted to see my new avatar...u like?
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