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I wrote a my own random number generator in C#. When I ran it, it produced the same number multiple times and did not produce another number before I stopped testing it. It does not have a specifiable range. It simply produces a random number between 1 and the maximum value an integer can hold, somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 billion.

Is my random number generator broken?




you just have it set to pick a random number between X and Y and X = Y so you get the same number every time!

what do i win?
Muggz said:

you just have it set to pick a random number between X and Y and X = Y so you get the same number every time!

what do i win?

Nope. The random generator does not have a specifiable range. I've edited the original post to clarify this.
are you using a variable within the generator that isn't being reset on each use.

if x isnull then
-=random number generator code here=-
set x = random number
return x

since x has been set, this code wouldn't overwrite the variable...hence returning the same number everytime
xeres said:
are you using a variable within the generator that isn't being reset on each use.

if x isnull then
-=random number generator code here=-
set x = random number
return x

since x has been set, this code wouldn't overwrite the variable...hence returning the same number everytime

Nope. The random number generator simply picks a number between 1 and 4 billion, and spits it out. There's no variable trickery in it.
Drag said:
No it isn't broken. You're just lucky as hell ;)

How do you know it isn't broken though? If I keep getting the same number, the odds the next number is the same decreases exponentially. Surely I'd get a different number.



Is this really a riddle.. or do you need help ?? If it's a riddle I haven't an answer, if you need help give me the code and I'll help you :)
I was wondering the same thing too... I was all "Oh yeah a riddle" lets get my thinking cap... but nooooo all i get is coded # scripting stuff that makes no sense.


Did you initiated the ramdom numbers generator before trying to obtain the numbers? what's the delay between each try?
Drakull said:
Did you initiated the ramdom numbers generator before trying to obtain the numbers? what's the delay between each try?

C# aien't my main language, but in c,c++ u do need todo as Drakull says

just read the current system time, and use it at seed value. then do the random () % max+1

so yes it's broken :)


no. its never 0 chance of getting any number (even the same one over and over again.). just like flipping coin, 1 of two outcomes each time doesnt mean you wont get heads everytime.