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Shaniqua really are.....

shawn smith

Shaniqua really are.....

The Shaniqua Factioneers are just making these characters to kill everyone when they are runnin around in CoM when there are alot of SL on they are scribes so watch out..
they wanted to keep it a secret but what goes around comes around.

---Shaniqua(s) are----
The Gunslinger...
Lil Wyte, PassMeTheWeed...
Wu Wei-..

also if you want a gate to their island which they donated for. just PM me i picked up a perfect maul there earliar :p


If shawn is "a ninja" he should be a bit better than everyone on that list, why would he follow you around?
Lafable said:
SL is a joke, not one of them can win 1v1, yet they seem to think they "own me" when its 10v1. Fair duel newibes.

everyone in factions thinks this now, as well as pkers and gankers

nobody solos unless theyre blue....theres about 5 factioners who solo and reds i dunno i never see reds alone




DementedJester said:
If shawn is "a ninja" he should be a bit better than everyone on that list, why would he follow you around?

Lmao thats the funniest joke i've ever heard a ninja better than everyone on that list hahah... man my sides hurt from laughing thnx dement that was great.


Duckling said:
Lmao thats the funniest joke i've ever heard a ninja better than everyone on that list hahah... man my sides hurt from laughing thnx dement that was great.

If you laughed that hard you take this game way to seriously.

Go and get a job.


Also, Sean is a thirteen year old chubby little prepubescent shitfuck. Seriously. He has a Xanga where he talks to all of these other thirteen year old girls. He thinks he's "gangster". It's so cute.

My girlfriend and I just laugh at him constantly, because he hits on her and tells her that she "needs a real man". I think one of her replies was... "well, you haven't even gotten hair on your balls yet. I'm not quite sure but I think men have hair."


I... err.. I was being sincere... None of the people on that list are any good... Well except Xyani but Ninja's marginely better... Oh wait, no he isn't :(

He's better than Gunslinger and Wu Wei but, fuck. ODB's better than those fuckhats.