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Shaniqua really are.....


Furota said:
I wasn't trying to be funny. I am serious: get a job. You'll learn a lot that way.

Well, first your assuming i dont have a job which is very unintelligent because then the whole statement you just said would be void and would'nt really mean anything other than your a newb and my last post was a sarcastic remark Im sure your smart enough to be able to spot those. If not mabye instead of working you should go back to school :)



can you say owned by tamer in 7x duel???

i can!.....owned by tamer in 7x duel :( i just thought u guys would like to see him get owned... i dunno bout you guys but he just never excepts it.

lets leave ninja alone. i find his voice very sexy via ts. hes proof a no-named tamer named SIN owned a top dueler


how jewish, o well its a sexy pic of a top dueler getting owned 2-0 vs me, sin, the no named tamer in 7x duel... wish you all can see it, its cute :(