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so hz never spawns.....??

The above guilds listed had team work xhealing and people who where able to fight even numbered fights be it 1v1 2v2 xvx

Based on the last pics you posted up it looks like you dont crossheal either since conviction slave who was in your party died like 10 times


Im just gonna stop at you saying you guys split from barcode, it was actually a group decison from the core members to release you guys now that you were suited up to create more pvp. I didnt even bother reading the rest.

Not the whole story, bruddah.


Im just gonna stop at you saying you guys split from barcode, it was actually a group decison from the core members to release you guys now that you were suited up to create more pvp. I didnt even bother reading the rest.

Around August of 2011 MB and Lukin and some others "split" from barcode 'to encourage more pvp'

I guess you didn't notice the quotes... it was a core decision they soon regretted, just as I'm sure they regret coming back and teaching us about wind. gg rant more we win
And where are they now? I think I rest my case with point one.

But here is some felucca history for you anyway...

Hz has been a guild tag since 2009

Around August of 2011 MB and Lukin and some others "split" from barcode 'to encourage more pvp'
It was not long after this Hz successfully stole a harrower from Barcode.
I say stole but they literally crushed them... MB, Lukin, Pz, blacula, alucard, Marshall, MDMA, maybe some others I have missed.

pictures here... http://www.uogamers.com/community/index.php?threads/487415/#post-3751813

Hz has dominated the server ever since, anybody who claims otherwise needs to only open their eyes and search the forums

Do people post on and on that [X] guild is ruining the server?
Do people post on and on that [Lord] guild is ruining the server?
How about Hi5 or Bos or Zs or D*A any other iteration of shard alliance?

You all seem to claim Hz only fights with numbers but there are plenty of videos where we have raided 10 or more with only 2 or 3 people. If you are somebody who just wants to go to fel and have open and free champ spawns then yes you are gonna fucking hate us. But if you are somebody who only spawns in hopes of spurring some pvp then Hz is going to bring it, every time. I go and screw with people solo all the time if i find a spawn and nobody else is on to help me.

So now here is the million dollar question for you all....
You all seem to herald E. as some kind of long lost messiah guild but yet according to frost they had a choke hold on felucca many times worse than HZ currently does, and yet Hz is the devil that is ruining demise today? One day when MB decides he is too old or has no time for silly wizard games Hz will likely fall to the wayside like many before it. And Hz will be heralded as one of the greatest guilds of all time. Even better than e. or Chi or Zen. they will say? And the others will say oh yeah hands down.

I'm not saying hz is ruining demise, ea took care of that by implementing so much balance into the post aos skill set. What I am saying is that hz are a bunch of cowards who don't fight unless they have some sort of advantage. (Can't wait for your response with how mb and the 1% of hz that actually have some miniscule testicular fortitude showed up to fight outnumbered once and then left)

The difference between e./di./chi./zen, is that they were dominant in time periods were there was no wind, gift of renewal, gift of life, cu sidhe's, thunderstorm, apples, pixies etc... A time period were coordination and team work made the difference. Today all you need is 10 people to alt click your character and wait for you to wind people and wither/thunderstorm.

Quality guilds don't mass recruit / have established members of the server join and leave the next day because they didn't feel the members were a unit.


The difference between e./di./chi./zen, is that they were dominant in time periods were there was no wind, gift of renewal, gift of life, cu sidhe's, thunderstorm, apples, pixies etc... .

Let's not forget what they had during the time they played:

100% hit darts, 60 DMG DS's, wolf form healing, broken nature furies, target exploit, chasing explo pots, edited to shit items, guard zone instant kill exploit, magic arrow submachine gun, etc.

And that's just from the top of my head.

I hate EoW and wish Eos would do the shard a favor and remove it, but the use of a crutch is nothing new, and it was done before Hz by every big guild since Demise was born.
Let's not forget what they had during the time they played:

100% hit darts, 60 DMG DS's, wolf form healing, broken nature furies, target exploit, chasing explo pots, edited to shit items, guard zone instant kill exploit, magic arrow submachine gun, etc.

And that's just from the top of my head.

I hate EoW and wish Eos would do the shard a favor and remove it, but the use of a crutch is nothing new, and it was done before Hz by every big guild since Demise was born.

Most of the stuff came after kaz and zorak had already quit. Most of that was implemented when I was in zen.

You can't really compare a single target semi crutch to an aoe mage disable spell. Lettuce be cereal.


Based on the last pics you posted up it looks like you dont crossheal either since conviction slave who was in your party died like 10 times

Cant save everyone especially when they go offensive when they are on foot with 3 people attacking them.


Let's not forget what they had during the time they played:

100% hit darts, 60 DMG DS's, wolf form healing, broken nature furies, target exploit, chasing explo pots, edited to shit items, guard zone instant kill exploit, magic arrow submachine gun, etc.

And that's just from the top of my head.

I hate EoW and wish Eos would do the shard a favor and remove it, but the use of a crutch is nothing new, and it was done before Hz by every big guild since Demise was born.

I never used any of that ex explo pots and this was mostly due to the fact you could not bola people out of animal forums.


It actually is the whole story you fucking mumbling reject, Me, Bile, Jim and Paul all agreed on releasing you guys. We did it in a nice mannered way and some of you guys flipped out, Lukin was one of them. Get your facts straight, Bile came straight to MB and told him straight up that we were removing you guys now that you all had proper gear/scrolls. Gtfo


Most of the stuff came after kaz and zorak had already quit. Most of that was implemented when I was in zen.

You can't really compare a single target semi crutch to an aoe mage disable spell. Lettuce be cereal.

I forgot all the pre-ML PvP crutchs and the 12 magery spell range, edited-to-shit PlayUO and broken Razor and all that jazz.

Oh well.

It actually is the whole story you fucking mumbling reject, Me, Bile, Jim and Paul all agreed on releasing you guys. We did it in a nice mannered way and some of you guys flipped out, Lukin was one of them. Get your facts straight, Bile came straight to MB and told him straight up that we were removing you guys now that you all had proper gear/scrolls. Gtfo

I will pretend to ignore the whole Valaran thing and the zero PvP in the shard scenario that brought it, as well as the rest of what happened and why.


I truly believe breaking up Barcode at that time was one of the best move made.

The shard was dead and the pvp blew worst then it is.

It should not matter who was told to leave and who left on there own nor the main reason it did happened.

It showed who was there for the PVP and who was there for "money" / spawns.

We can't expect Hz to become better at the moment. One can only be as good as its opponent and since there is no group ready to take over Hz will remain on top.

You can take the top 10 best pvp'er that are all alone at the moment and still loose against Hz until the gather a group and learn to play as a whole and not as separate individual. once that group comes only then we will know what Hz is truly made of.

When Barcode came back after the big hit, none were really into making a come back motivation was just not there. with valid reason , who would want to redo all the hard work that got lost for no vaild reason.


When Barcode came back after the big hit, none were really into making a come back motivation was just not there. with valid reason , who would want to redo all the hard work that got lost for no vaild reason.

There was motivation, just not from all of us.

Now i'm here left alone [When I have time to logon] getting my ass whopped by spanish, polish, americans sometimes even RED HEALERS!!!


You have the advantage of low ping, a mortal spamming template, and broken casting, and yet you come here talk about skill? lol

Not only that, but you can't stick to a single argument without jumping into another that's completely different and unrelated. Amusing.

Here's the a sum of the for the split, as pointed out by Frost:

The PvP was so bad and so horrible that some members of Barcode were resorting to playing incognito characters to have some action in this shard. Barcode had every good teamplayer in it back then, and the teamwork was so strong two guys could take out ten others without problem. After the Valaran fiasco, the people Bile, Jim and Paul didn't want in Barcode were removed, some left by themselves, some others stopped playing.