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SOS is better than SEX.

Sir Tristan

SOS is better than SEX.

Our war against the Fallen has come to an end. They have called a cease to hostile activities after being buried under the piles of our dead. Obviously our tactic of slamming their weapons with our heads and torsos wore them down to a point where they realized victory for them was not possible.

Now SOS has declared war on SEX. We have taken a vow to eliminate SEX on the shard. We are tired of SEX. SEX can no longer control our actions or dictate what we will do. If you are like us and think there is no place for SEX on the shard, and would like to see an end to SEX everywhere, join SOS. We will never understand SEX or why people like it. Therefore we will fight it until the bitter end.

PM Pbguy, Sir Tristan, or Sneak Butch if you are interested in joining our war on SEX.

When SEX gets out of hand, it's time for an SOS...........
Drakull said:
Sorry, man... but there's nothing better than SEX..... not even UO... :p
It was said that war against SEX is only in this internet "world"... Dunno if SEX in it is great... haven't tried it with a rubber girl, but suppose tis the same :p
PS there is no need to show off our private life's, hmmm, let's say, pleasures ..? There are non-mature players reading this, you know :eek: :D

Sir Tristan said:
..... We have taken a vow to eliminate SEX on the shard. We are tired of SEX. SEX can no longer control our actions or dictate what we will do. If you are like us and think there is no place for SEX on the shard, and would like to see an end to SEX everywhere, join SOS. We will never understand SEX or why people like it. Therefore we will fight it until the bitter end.

he...hehhe...heheh eh...
*gasping for Air..*
For Sir Tristan

Okay, War on SEX... to eliminate SEX.....

and he say he and littledarkglamour should watch it...as in becareful...

come on... ...think

I would LOVE to see LittleDarkGlamour's response though.... hahaha...
LittleDarkGlamour said:
What were you expecting it to be?
You think i'm bothered?

oh, was expecting someone to get smacked around... but nevermind.. hahaha..

*bounced right off her without a incident...*

hmmmm, Amnesia, I think they will need full NBC suits...