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The economy


Re: The economy

Bama;763781 said:
The parts in bold want me to go run and hire this guy as soon as possible to work in my investment company how about you?

Economics as seen through the eyes of a wannabe ban evader (ewader)

Also the ever (ewer) popular pc/sell/trade shields and nothing ever (ewer) happens

hello there another hater , abouth wich i don't give a flying F**k, but anyway ill reply this.

yes. those shield's used to be my babys, thanks for that picture u found for me, got new PC and didnt had that screene. :)

did u read everything i wrote? i wrote in which aspects its similar and in wich its same, or atleast try to read the whole sentence?


Bug Huntress
Re: The economy

dievas;763786 said:
hello there another hater , abouth wich i don't give a flying F**k, but anyway ill reply this.

yes. those shield's used to be my babys, thanks for that picture u found for me, got new PC and didnt had that screene. :)

did u read everything i wrote? i wrote in which aspects its similar and in wich its same, or atleast try to read the whole sentence?

Well hello there wannabe ban eWader yes I heard that in Lithuania new computers don't let you do a search


Re: The economy

Also, use value is actually connected to market value here, unlike IRL = P


Re: The economy

The poor gets poorer
the rich gets richer

maybe with full ML and Tots this economy would change... but meanwhile, just a group of old guys friend of gms control the server.

Re: The economy

Xeneize;767834 said:
but meanwhile, just a group of old guys friend of gms control the server.

I'd love to know who they are.

If you're going to point the finger, the least you can do is have the cojones to name names...




Re: The economy

Why would someone want to openly name names and make enemies of a GM and his butt buddies? It sounds dumb, kinda like asking to be banned.


Re: The economy

Marok;767885 said:
Why would someone want to openly name names and make enemies of a GM and his butt buddies? It sounds dumb, kinda like asking to be banned.

yep :)
Re: The economy

Marok;767885 said:
Why would someone want to openly name names and make enemies of a GM and his butt buddies? It sounds dumb, kinda like asking to be banned.


1. Because with those kind of sly insinuations he has probably made enemies of most of the GMs already - so what does it matter?

2. Because he's putting himself above these hypothetical corrupt GMs and their "butt buddies". He is implying that what they do is wrong whereas what he is saying (without providing us a single shred of proof) is right. Only a coward makes accusations without even allowing the accused to defend themselves.

3. Because, as I said, if he just makes wild accusations without naming names, the whole shard will see that not only is he so stupid he doesn't realise that as far as any GMs reading this are concerned, the damage has already been done, but also that he doesn't even have the balls to come out and say who the hell he is talking about.

4. Because without proof he just comes off as another whiner making up stories to make himself feel better about not being who he wants to be or having what he thinks he deserves have (on Demise).


PS You did ask... :p


Re: The economy

True, but many others have also made similar wild insinuations, but it's the defensive nature this particular accusation has incurred that's causing suspicion at this point.
Re: The economy

Marok;767895 said:
True, but many others have also made similar wild insinuations

And I say exactly the same things to every one of them...

It is something I've been seeing since the very first time I logged in to Demise Forums. I'm still waiting for someone to actually prove what they allege about any GM.

I'm pretty sure the GMs can defend themselves - so most of the time it makes more sense just to laugh - but that doesn't make it any less irritating.

Maybe it is the difference between just using the shard and feeling a part of the shard.

Re: The economy

gans;767901 said:
yes like cleaver os mastershake :eek:

Maybe, Gans...

but given that whatever happened there occurred before I (and 99% of all current players) arrived on the shard, I know about as much about it as almost everyone else: ie nothing.

Like all historical events, it seems to have got twisted and amplified with time - and is now brought out like a mouldy pizza every time someone wants to demonstrate how corrupt Demise is.

Has there ever been a corrupt GM on Demise? For sure.

Were they dealt with? For sure.

How did they get caught? Probably because someone actually called them out by name and provided proof Ryan/Mark/psz could use to show they done wrong...

I've got nothing against Xeneize. I hardly know the guy. Maybe he just felt like stirring. Maybe he has an agenda. Maybe he has also been infected by all the other people spouting the same stuff. Maybe he's just lying. Or maybe he is right, has sent the proof to Ryan and a nuclear bomb is about to go off on Demise...




Re: The economy

Xeneize;767834 said:
The poor gets poorer
the rich gets richer

maybe with full ML and Tots this economy would change... but meanwhile, just a group of old guys friend of gms control the server.


The poorer do not get poorer.


Re: The economy

Feersum Endjinn;767920 said:
Maybe he just felt like stirring.
Really? The Demise PvP'rs on the forum might potentially be attempting to stir up bullshit? Noooo...... Since when do they do that?


Re: The economy

Howl;767966 said:
The poorer do not get poorer.
Yep, just like in true real world economics in a capitalistic society, when the rich get richer.... EVERYONE gets richer as it trickles down to new job creation, more goods demanded, etc.

In UO, you just have to be your own entrepreneur. Want to get rich? Find an unmet demand (or poorly met demand), find a way to fill that demand at a low cost to yourself, profit ensues.

As far as GM corruption goes, I do not buy it. Sure they can be heavy-handed at times, but even that probably stems from certain elements of the player base whining about other elements of the player base.


Re: The economy

camper;768078 said:
Yep, just like in true real world economics in a capitalistic society, when the rich get richer.... EVERYONE gets richer as it trickles down to new job creation, more goods demanded, etc.

Incorrect. Take a look at the third world. Take a look at poverty and yawning gap between rich and poor in urban areas, even in UK and USA. Surplus value (profit) comes from surplus labour, and the tendency for the rate of profit to fall is the genesis of exploitation of workers. In UO, there is no capitalist system, there is no accumulation, there is no business.

Every example of cuts to jobs and public sector shows that the 'trickle-down' theory is completely incorrect. It doesn't work. It's a false ideology of the capitalists so that they can exploit economic crises.


Re: The economy

Howl;768080 said:
Incorrect. Take a look at the third world. Take a look at poverty and yawning gap between rich and poor in urban areas, even in UK and USA. Surplus value (profit) comes from surplus labour, and the tendency for the rate of profit to fall is the genesis of exploitation of workers. In UO, there is no capitalist system, there is no accumulation, there is no business.

Every example of cuts to jobs and public sector shows that the 'trickle-down' theory is completely incorrect. It doesn't work. It's a false ideology of the capitalists so that they can exploit economic crises.

This is incorrect. If you look at the world, you will find that the poorest countries are the very ones lacking capitalism. The median incomes of a nation goes up the more the nation embraces capitalism.

Keynesian economics has been proven to be a flawed system. It is a wonder so many people still embrace it. You lump cuts in jobs and the public sector into one, but they need to be separated. The public sector does not produce wealth, only the private sector does. Every dollar spent on the public sector takes roughly three dollars out of the private sector, thus an increase in public sector spending is a drain on private sector hiring.

Also, in any real world economy (definitely a difference from UO), the rich do not keep their money under the mattress. The money is invested, helping companies to expand and hire more workers.


Re: The economy

i understand why people behave like if the gms are really corrupt, this has happened at least once in demise.
imo this is something that doesnt happen anymore but i dont blame the ones who believe it does.
in other hands this is a f2p shard and none is obligated to play here. theres no need for a staff member to defend himself against this kind of accusation simply because they dont own us anything.
ok, ethicly speaking, a shard staff should provide a nice and fair envoirnment to the players, but besides Bile, none else here lives in fairy tales.
my conclusion, if you think staff here is corrupt, prove it or, if this bothers you, leave the shard. otherwise, dont even waste your time, because absolutely nothing will change, you will only start to be disliked by staff members and even other non staff members. and this is stupid.

ps: lol FE you talk like if the cap had fitted very well in your head :p


Re: The economy

camper;768129 said:
This is incorrect. If you look at the world, you will find that the poorest countries are the very ones lacking capitalism. The median incomes of a nation goes up the more the nation embraces capitalism.

No country 'lacks' capitalism. Capitalism is globalized. It reaches to and affects every corner of the planet.

camper;768129 said:
The public sector does not produce wealth, only the private sector does. Every dollar spent on the public sector takes roughly three dollars out of the private sector, thus an increase in public sector spending is a drain on private sector hiring.

And what is producing wealth even doing for us? Well-being and economic development decoupled long ago. Industrialization in LDCs is still necessary but for developed countries accumulation is just causing more and more problems. Things are getting so bad that, for example, not even technology can prevent ecological crises (Jevon's paradox). What even is production? Since the distinction between use value and market value has so been blurred.

camper;768129 said:
The money is invested, helping companies to expand and hire more workers.

Rather, capital is invested in more 'dead' labour thus causing the rate of profit to fall, causing the capitalists to exploit workers more to sustain rate of profit. When profit is #1, people do not matter.


Re: The economy

i agree with howl, you are thinking inside the box camper. theres no country who lacks capitalism, and theres no such wonderfull world where the capitalism provides wealth and nice lifes for everyone.
the base of capitalism is exploitation. every wealth depends of an exploit, if someone sells gold and get rich, there are a thousand of poor miners working for the boss to get rich.
capitalism isnt a flawed system. its actually a vampire system.