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The state of Ultima Online.

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Re: The state of Ultima Online.

Furota said:
Why eat food that you don't like if there's something in the fridge that, even though it needs to be cooked, is absolutely delicious?

Thank you,

Cause im Lazy.
Re: The state of Ultima Online.

I remember my first day on UO i made a Axer called Duff Man on the Europa Shard...I just couldnt stop palying i remember randomly jumping gates not knowing what i was doing, I was lost near Glow GY Taming things...and dieing , I remember the first time i went to Despice with a friend , I was absolutely terrified that they would kill me and i would lose the Petit items i had on me.

It took like 6 of us to kill one and loot was distributed fairly.

Great times, I now have so much knowledge of UO everything has been made easy :(

Voodoo Child

Re: The state of Ultima Online.

I was never so noobly as most of the above posts lol, but i started playing in high school on zuluhotel canada. played for about 2 weeks got a good character going, then the shard crashed and warped back the 2 weeks. so i quit that shard and moved to zuluhotel scandinavia and played with swedes for like 2 years. quit for a few years then found uogamers. This shard is great, I love the fast skillgain the most, Back in the day it would take months and months to build up a character. Also it was an item based shard so everyone hoarded. By the end I had godly chars with lvl 7 perma psn weps, Gem armour, every GM wep there was, a tower covered in kewl loot. That was my ultimate uo experience. ( i was on 56k this whole time, connecting to a foreign shard )

I like uogamers because it's completely different, which is why i ended up quitting zhs, i needed a change. with tons of people, fast skillgain, and skill based pvp ->(technically lol), it's almost a completely different game.

I never played OSI so i still run into shit i don't know about this shard, which is another bonus.

man this is such an old game ... lol.


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

I didn't read the whole thread, this may have been said already.

I feel the same things Furota expressed, even though I haven't been playing nearly as long I'm sure. But what I believe this is, is not the game, but the players evolving.
When we first started, "game mechanics" and skill levels meant nothing to us. I couldn't care less if I had 25 camping on my template so that I could log out in the forest, or if I wore bone armor just because it looked cool.
But as grow and develop, our knowledge of the game and it's mechanics grows and the game no longer becomes mystical or magical anymore, it becomes numbers and math that you have to always be monitoring in order to have a "good character."
I believe that the player base of a game should be kept ignorant of the mechanics of a game, simply to avoid the game losing it's intrigue.

Done! Peace.
Re: The state of Ultima Online.

You can't live in the past, it will never happen again. Basically life is like that as a baby everything is interesting and then slowly you realize why things happen and it becomes less interesting and eventually it is commonplace, the same happens with anything you do, you enjoy it at first and then eventually you know how it all happens and it gets boring.


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

Paranoia said:
You can't live in the past, it will never happen again. Basically life is like that as a baby everything is interesting and then slowly you realize why things happen and it becomes less interesting and eventually it is commonplace, the same happens with anything you do, you enjoy it at first and then eventually you know how it all happens and it gets boring.


Voodoo Child

Re: The state of Ultima Online.

The Borrower said:
I didn't read the whole thread, this may have been said already.

I feel the same things Furota expressed, even though I haven't been playing nearly as long I'm sure. But what I believe this is, is not the game, but the players evolving.
When we first started, "game mechanics" and skill levels meant nothing to us. I couldn't care less if I had 25 camping on my template so that I could log out in the forest, or if I wore bone armor just because it looked cool.
But as grow and develop, our knowledge of the game and it's mechanics grows and the game no longer becomes mystical or magical anymore, it becomes numbers and math that you have to always be monitoring in order to have a "good character."
I believe that the player base of a game should be kept ignorant of the mechanics of a game, simply to avoid the game losing it's intrigue.

Done! Peace.

truth, but pretty impossible. there's always jerkoffs out there doing the math. Damn the schools i say.


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

My first day of Uo i think i set the record of "getting pk'd your first day" i think it was about 13-15 times. I loved it though! The idea that you could kill somone and take their stuff. My first character turned out to be utter trash because i raised every skill i get think of from taming to snooping to wrestling and item id. I remember i eventually whipped him into a decent swordsman and farmed the hell out of the solens hole. Back then making 3k was a big deal for me. :] Me and a friend eventually bought a nice cabin north of minoc when the area was pretty empty. Best time I've had on uo besides the time test center was up.
Re: The state of Ultima Online.

Furota said:
To be honest, I don't really know how to start this out. I'm simply going to keep typing, and whatever comes of this, comes of it.

That's about where I quit reading.


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

Lorthic, you are one of the few people on this shard who has my total respect. The day you leave gamers will be a sad day indeed.
Re: The state of Ultima Online.

Paranoia said:
I will cheer.

So will I. Not to be an ass but this whole thread by him is a stunt to get back on the good side of staff and the players of the shard. He pissed off alot of people after the selling gold thing so now he makes a thread about how uo just isnt the same trying to get sympothy. If you don't like playing why not just give your stuff away instead of selling it. Better yet if your are bored of the game why not just give all your accounts away and start from scratch.


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

An Old Lady said:
How does it feel to be so fucking pathetic that you must name yourself An Old Lady?
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