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The state of Ultima Online.

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Re: The state of Ultima Online.

Druid311 said:
I favor standing over your corpse laughing

You are horrible, overpriced goods, and your a suckup

He can't be a suckup. He apparently doesn't care what staff thinks. So all those times he is saying how great they are he is just doing it because he truly feels that way. LOLOLOL.


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

Well the best town that has always been there is Trinsic. Its freaking huge and well decorated. Its the best town. I remember just running around Trinny without any aim just playing and pretending like I lived in the small smithy area. Going to trinsic always brings me back to the old times where I stole from the prov to make money and cyber sex to pass the time... or wait thats backwards


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

The proper uogamer responce from what I gather would be "cry more." But I too once remember things like this ;/


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

excelr said:
The proper uogamer responce from what I gather would be "cry more." But I too once remember things like this ;/
Some of us have been here longer than others. Apparently "unrequited" isn't one of them, and neither is "Druid".


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

Druid311 said:
I favor standing over your corpse laughing

You are horrible, overpriced goods, and your a suckup

I'd win you in pvp. I'm more intelligent than you are. I have better sex than you do.

Although they may be overpriced, I have made 100x more gold than you ever will, and have thus sold that for rl cash, making me a multi-BILLION dollar champion of the world.

The only way you'd get to be standing over my corpse is if you could pry off your mother and sister.


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

let-it-bleed said:
:| A little cocky? |:
he has the right, he is furota the great after all though it appears he is now banned. lololol
let us give lorthic a moment of silence


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

Well put man,

As a guy who has been playing UO since its first beta test with origin i can definately identify

I played the paid shards, on Baja mostly, but i started out on chessapeak had a house, and eventually went red... i started one of the first PK guilds on chessy
ahh the Bannana boyz.... I have a feeling that there needs to be some extreme competition that would drastically change game play...

Orc attacks on britain?
A mass assigning of people to one faction or another.... TWO FACTIONS forced to fight each other, take control of towns, and make it so there can be no back stabbing... get rid of the red blue grey thing for a while until people can start trusting each other again start cementing real friendships that could ultima-tely kick us back into the great times that were once known

Lord britain VS Lord Blackthorne



Re: The state of Ultima Online.

I will answer for you Lorthic, I have been playing UO since Abyss Test was around, not many remember it but man was it sweet. I also remember the days when reds actually teamed up to fight blues, I've been around longer than you may think. Still, I have to go with
The proper uogamer response from what I gather would be "cry more."

he has the right, he is furota the great after all though it appears he is now banned. lololol

lol, that's death in one way for him at least


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

myriddin07 said:
Well put man,

As a guy who has been playing UO since its first beta test with origin i can definately identify

I played the paid shards, on Baja mostly, but i started out on chessapeak had a house, and eventually went red... i started one of the first PK guilds on chessy
ahh the Bannana boyz.... I have a feeling that there needs to be some extreme competition that would drastically change game play...

Orc attacks on britain?
A mass assigning of people to one faction or another.... TWO FACTIONS forced to fight each other, take control of towns, and make it so there can be no back stabbing... get rid of the red blue grey thing for a while until people can start trusting each other again start cementing real friendships that could ultima-tely kick us back into the great times that were once known

Lord britain VS Lord Blackthorne


Interesting... I played with the Bannana Boyz back on Chessy in what was it... 97/98?

At that time I played as Sir Ryan of Yew and Don Luciano. We sort of allied with the BB's in a guild called the Mafia. You might remember Ebola, he was one of my friends who was pretty tight with BB's.

Ahh those were the days.

Too bad guilds dont have honor like that any more.
Re: The state of Ultima Online.

Furota said:
To be honest, I don't really know how to start this out. I'm simply going to keep typing, and whatever comes of this, comes of it.

What happened to Ultima Online? What happened to UOGamers? What happened to everything we once stood and played for? Why, I remember back when I first started playing UO. I was about thirteen then, and damn, it was fun. Valient battles versus dragons, seeing my first balron in a dungeon and being scared shitless, because at the time, I wasn't as apathetic about the game as I am now. At the time, everything in UO meant something to me, simply because it was another world; a world different from mine own. A world in which I could relax, and enjoy the fineries of a different age.

A long time ago, when I first started playing UO, I wanted a house. I walked for days and days (literally, real-time days), and simply couldn't find where I wanted to build a house. Finally, north of Minoc, east of Reaper valley, just below the plains, there was a dense wooded area. I thought it was perfect. Now, all I had to do was find an axe so I could chop down those damn trees, is what I thought to myself. So, I found myself an axe. I tried for another three days to chop down trees, and I was getting so damn frustrated! Finally, I saw someone, and asked him, "How do I get rid of these trees? I really want to build a house!" After all, I'd seen plenty of other houses built in forested areas, and I wanted one as well. The guy laughed and was very kind. He told me, "Come on, man... don't you know? You have to find an empty spot and buy a housing deed in order to place a house. It's pretty simple. How long have you been chopping trees for?" I told him that it'd been three days, and again he laughed, yet I did not feel as if he were berating, or ridiculing me. It was an entirely different world, where I could interact with people I never would've had the chance to meet in real life. Ultima Online was a world of wizardry, of mighty heroes who lay claim to the corpses of even mightier beasts. Ultima Online was everyone's fantasy; a world with no true reprocussions. A world where you can enjoy that which you choose to, instead of life forcing upon you what it will.

Ultima Online was fun.

Now, as I look back on the "good ol' days," I smile to myself and laugh at the countless hours I've spent with my eyes glued to the monitor. As time has passed, however, the game has lost its edge. The game has lost its fun for me. I log in now merely out of habit, and because I've acquired so much that it'd be a waste to not do something with it. That, and I can on occasion find something to do that is entertaining; whether it be pvp, merchantry or joining a random guild and going on a dungeon crawl or treasure hunt. As I look back and reflect, comparing how I felt then to how I feel now, I can honestly say that I do not have the fun I once did.

How can this be fun? Constant flaming and shit-talking to one another, and I'm not innocent! I know this... and yet, I feel as if all of us, as a community, could do better to improve the gameplay of not only ourselves, but each other, which would in turn make this game far more fun than it is now. I don't have the solution, but if we try, can't we find one? Instead of putting in patch after patch after patch to cure the ailments of the game for merely a short time, why not revamp the entire god damn system? Let's find out what the players want--what they need.

Ryan, Krrios, Mark, Samara... all of the staff, the entire lot of you (even Terron!) have done such an amazing job at bringing UO back to what it once was, and even though nearly everything is the same, you'll never be able to patch the lack of faith the players have in one another. You'll never be able to bring back the spirit that Ultima Online once had. That is our choice, as players, as individuals, and as a community. It is our choice whether or not we will make this game fun, and to be honest, I don't think many people care. It doesn't seem as if people play this game to have fun, so much as they play it out of sheer habit, out of boredom. I wish, for just one day, that UO could be like it once was. I wish that once again the spirit of the players could rise and conquer all. I wish that on every screen there was something different. Battles meant something. Victors were crowned and known. Now, with all of the thirty party programs, hacks, cheats, scamming, exploits and whatever else... victory changes hands like coin.

I wish that for just once, everyone would just sit back and realize how they've made the game not only for others, but for themselves. Why do something you don't enjoy? Why live, or play, in misery? Would you stay with a woman simply because you believed that nothing better would come of this life? And the same goes for you women--why stay with a man when there is so much more out there? Why eat food that you don't like if there's something in the fridge that, even though it needs to be cooked, is absolutely delicious? If each and every one of us will take a step back and realize what we can do for this game, and for one another, I believe that this game could once again be truly, truly fun.

Forgive my rambling, and I have one more thing to say: Don't let a good thing die.

Thank you,
Haha... wow. The memories. And, no... it isnt that he's tired of the game. It's that the game used to be something amazing... and changed from that. It's so close to being that way... but something's missing.

I remember... way back when... trying to start an archer. I was running around, shooting the "headless ones" (dying, I might add), when "Lenmore" started attacking me. Of course, I had no clue he was a brigand, and my arrows started to automatically shoot him. "NO, MAN! MY BAD! I'M SORRY, I SWEAR! I DUNNO WHAT HAPPENED!". Man... that was funny. Too funny.



Re: The state of Ultima Online.

it was more fun because you got a chance to socialize with people that were also training. I think this is one of the biggest reasons why it lost its fun. I remmeber when people were at bone knights room training. Yes, you have to worry about PKS but there was stat loss, there was other consequences for being a pk. UO gamer did a great job at bring the uo back. But i think what it comes down to is us. We need to stop bitching about skill gaining slow and not wanting to play, but then we bitch about it not being as social anymore, but its us that doesnt want to train and have the chance to be social. Its not the GM's fault! its ours. We want the best of everything but as we all know the good things in life are earned not what is given to us with ease.


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

I'd say shard wipe with OSI like skill gain would be alright maybe but I'd die if I lost my house
I too started playing uo shortly after its beta release so i've lost count of how many years i've been playing this game on and off. I've read most of the posts and once you sort through all the immature hate posting you remember all the things that were so amazing about UO.

It was all about basic survival and how much in awe we had when a gm mage come along because there were few on the shard. Pks were rare and everybody knew who they were because you could post money on their heads and turn the head in for the bounty if you killed them. With no knowledge of magery we ran for fucking hours to go places so it made the world a much bigger place. The key to the enjoyment were many of the things mentioned: More role playing and less haters, nobody had mastered the game so there was still some wonder left. Cable modems weren't out yet and most people played on a 28K baud modem so our biggest enemy was lag. Back then the houses didn't have ownership like today. They were only locked by the key you had in your hand. If somebody got your key or got in your house you were screwed. Your heart would stop everytime you were outside your house and you lost connection from lag. I lost count of just how many poor bastards we house looted but sooner or later it would happen to you and each time you were so pissed you wanted to quit.

I was fortunate in that early on I made some really great friends in uo and later befriended them in real life once we all graduated from college, got jobs, and could afford to fly around the country to hang out. It was amazing how we would start playing at 8 at night and would look over and it was 8 in the morning and the sun had come up. We would be starving but we were in the middle of a huge dungeon crawl, fighting a pk guild, or pking ourselves and didn't even get up to piss unless you absolutly had to. It had such a hold on us that other parts of our life were begging to falter and we had to quit for a while. It was such a new concept that other people in your life at the time couldn't understand how real it was with other people online or how a person could sit there for countless hours on end while completely disregarding the real world around them. UO was the first game where people would pay real money for virtual property and we were there at the start. Economists still marvel at why somebody would pay money for video game property.

This game will never ever give us the same wonderous feeling we once had when we would log on for hours. It still can be fun from time to time but the trick is that you have to let go of your empire and start with nothing every once in a while and don't power game it all back in two months. Instead take your time and enjoy it. Its was hard each time but i've done it countless times over the last ten plus years. Its the journey of rebuilding it all differently that makes it fun still. Giving your empire away in small incriments to noobs can also be a lot of fun. Role playing and random acts of kindness are things that many of today's players will never understand so you can be the light that out shines all the immature people on the shard. I'll never forget the day I gave my castle on sonoma away.

The other trick is to keep your expectations in check. After all this is pvp shard so its going to attract people who use uo as an outlet for their frustration in real life. I've killed and robbed my share of people over the years and had a lot of fun doing it. I always did it with class. If you think you're the badest motherfucker ever to walk the shard, do all your talking with the skill of your weapon or spell book and not your mouth. Always treat your opponents with respect even when they are weak minded or immature and subsequently show you none in return. Anybody can win a fight but only a champion can win with class.


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

Some people have that feeling when they play uogamers because it's their first shard they have ever played so its really new.... I really believe that there are stages to UO... theres the new wow this is awesome stage... then theres the veteran still fun guilding stage where you become friends with a specific guild... then there is the stage where you become a PvP.... then there the stage where you become a 1337 pvp ganking whore bastard.... then there is im bored as fuck and why am i playing this game stage.... then theres the i used to be a 1337 pvp faggot like these queers here on the forum stage... then theres the i have to get a job and quit playing uo for the rest of my life stage... then theres the divorce my wife cause i play too much stage...

I haven't gotten to the last 2 stages... but i really think most of the ganking house hiding 1337 pvpers are like that because that is one of the stages of the game... oh and there is the permanent stage of lame ass i do nothing but bank sit showing off my 1337 bling bling and don't play uo just sit here all day stage....


Re: The state of Ultima Online.

I honestly can't believe this thread is still alive. It's like a juggernaut that get bigger and eviler with every post. This must stop.
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