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To Shadow Lords Officers

To Shadow Lords Officers

Hey guys, can you spread our guards out to other towns we own? Right now trinsic is pretty heavily guarded. we needs some guards in our other towns. ;)

Heh yea, considering COM does nothing, TB is like a day care, and Minax pours thousands of silver in to guards and then puts them all on top of the west brit inn and next to the moonglow bank. LoL touche genius.

And Btw, why are you calling people kids when you're only 17 years old? If you're going to flame like a moron atleast be kind enough to make sense "kid". ;)


ROFL yeah demented jester any idea what ur talken about theres mass silver we had and nothing else to waste it on we get it right back real fast any way not like we wasted silkver from Sl directly we still got that 60k lol no need in pulling that out... heh but what ever talk your shit its ok Spoon my self and a select few havnt been on i thought Djs were the reason SL got good wtf happened dont tell me u guys havent been on cause with my other chars i see u all hidding in the del pond... you guys do alot of good for SL there.... get the towns back from minax prove u guys are SL

but seriously u arnt shit but egos


Yes a video game makes a retarded irl Jester. Get a life man, ppl will do as they please. Why you gotta be huggin our nuts? I dont see you flamming Minax for there "useless" guards. Go duel your own character for rank.


I only have 2 factions chars and both are CoM :<

CoM doesnt do anything becuase IC are on hiatus, CiA are on SWG and there are no other guilds worth mentioning.
So yeah GG on taking towns when noone that gives a shit about them plays anymore, GG for wasting all that silver, which could have sustained vendors at -300% for mounths, allowed guards to be placed when you needed them and saved you ever ahving to set prices to 300+ for mroe than 3 weeks ever again. That's certainly thinking ahead there boys.

On another note, i call you kids from a UO perspective, you're a bunch of immature little fuckshits in game so i'll treat you accordingly on the boards.

Good luck with "owning the shard" and good luck with Tru kicking the shit out of you on a daily basis.

I'll smile when GoD come back and light you up.


On another note, i call you kids from a UO perspective, you're a bunch of immature little fuckshits in game so i'll treat you accordingly on the boards.

Heh you don't know me here or in game. I've only posted here a few times. And in case you didn't know, in UO you fight monsters and 17 year old kids. What is mature about that? If I wanted maturity I wouldn't play a GAME in my SPARE time. You take this stuff way too serious man. Seriously, go to prom. I know chicks don't dig fatties but I imagine you could drug one or whatever it is you kids do to get laid nowadays. You sound like you need it badly. ;)


1. I graduated near 2 years ago, i'm taking a break before college.
2. I'm by no means fat.
3. I haven't logged on in over a week, yeah i take it REAL serriously.
4. I'm from England, we don't have "prom".
5. If i wanted a girlfriend, i could have a girlfriend, however, i don't want to subject a girl to my current rl situation, which i'm not going to go into here, let's sjut say i have some issues i need to work out and leave it at that.

I'm pretty sure you're not a sheriff or FM.
I'm pretty sure Minax jsut took all the towns.




I'll smile when GoD come back and light you up

I graduated near 2 years ago, i'm taking a break before college.

What the hell? Kids graduate from high school at the age of 15 in England? That explains so much...

2. I'm by no means fat.
3. I haven't logged on in over a week, yeah i take it REAL serriously.
4. I'm from England, we don't have "prom".
5. If i wanted a girlfriend, i could have a girlfriend, however, i don't want to subject a girl to my current rl situation, which i'm not going to go into here, let's sjut say i have some issues i need to work out and leave it at that.

Hahaha So instead of dealing with your "shite" life you vent it here? Go back to counterstrike and get then get some mental help before you dig a grave for yourself here. Cherio chap.


DementedJester said:
which i'm not going to go into here, let's sjut say i have some issues i need to work out and leave it at that.

Sauron thats what he said, so hes in no way venting it here....so do us all a favor, pull your lip over your head and swallow. Thanks


anyone who plays a online game is retarted and fat irl...... dont ask me why :(

also now that minax has all towns everyone is just gunna go jump on there faction pretty sad


Sauron - fine, a year and 6mounths ago.

As Kumba said.

Noone in England actually talks like that, you watch too many sitcoms you couch-potato fuck.