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To Shadow Lords Officers


Sinner G*D....yo wrong thinking there bro, fat kids that play online gaming eventually become skinny again. They play so much that they forget to eat! LOL.

As for retards...well the only retards are those that cant PVP on their own without help from others...only way they can actually kill someone is by ganging up on them!

And...finally props to the English guy....good comeback there mate.


(Go the All Blacks and Black Caps) - Aussies are going down this summer!!


Half my relatives are english. Yes they talk like that. They might not use the exact words but the accent and nasal noises are all there.


DaGongeKid said:
i thought Djs were the reason SL got good wtf happened dont tell me u guys havent been on cause with my other chars i see u all hidding in the del pond... you guys do alot of good for SL there.... get the towns back from minax prove u guys are SL

but seriously u arnt shit but egos

good lord. please contact either ejin or myself and we will gladly set up a fight. you can even set up the rules if you like. until then do not ever talk about our guild unless you've proven yourself to do so. thanks! moron.


Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi !!! ya baby aussie pride haahha u guys wont win shit :D we won the test match series clean sweap ^_^


Screw the Aussie pride..! Just wait we will be wiping the grin off your faces with some spectacular batting....or have you forgotten that we kicked you in the nuts in the 1st ODI and then made you sweat like the pigs that you are in the 2nd ODI! LOL. All good...I say cricket all the way whether you be an Aussie, Kiwi, Indian...etc.

Hey Sri Lanka touring NZ....then Aussies will this summer!

Whats happening with the Shard? Damn Defiance bitches trying to take it down! Lucky for us Ryan and Mark were quick to react. Hope they screw Defiance up big time!


SL, tsk tsk, reminds me of the trammies before trammel.....

I was real close to joining factions checking out things but sad to see SL with such huge numbers but yet have to rez kill people adn say punkte after each time they do it. Sad group they are, I tell ya! DMX is probably the best one and he sucks. If anyone who wants to take out these noobs some day, let me know,it should only take 3 of us to take all of them noobs. LOL SL so so sad!!!


el oh el...

Yea sting u sound really elite. =O

u can try and "take me out" anytime mate pm me =O

And fuck cricket and rugby, soccer (futbol) is where it is at sires =O

Ronaldinho > All =<