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UO Hybrid Jeopardy! [Event]


What color are they. Here's the ones from jesus's

Yea, I thought he had all four out but the green one was replaced by the white ghost cloak from 2009. Sorry :) I believe you are correct.


I think he does have all 4, probably wearing one. When I saw you post I was like oh no she checked his hue#s.


Hybrid Staff Member
I think these are correct, check out jesus's house at 910 2077 Oenomaus (second floor). :D

Also these posts say there are only 4 colors.

There are only four colors, but one of the hues states are incorrect or at least on my list, but I could be wrong and Ill just let it slide for now. Ill check when I get back home from work.

-----------------------------UO Hybrid Jeopardy!-----------------------------
Strange Places -- Towns -- Rares in Game! -- Forums People! -- Dungeons! --Items
Konnan = 2800
UOG4ever = 1800
Starnix = 1500
Lock and Load = 900
Amerigo = 400
Shino90 = 300
Whispers = 300
Igo88mph = -100

Rares for 400 is...

In the 2008 Halloween Gift box that was handout, there was a random rare inside along with what other items? Named them all, except the random rare, because well its random :p


Hybrid Staff Member
What is a candle and a pumpkin?

Incorrect :/
What is a pumpkin, a pumpkin pie and a halloween candle?


-----------------------------UO Hybrid Jeopardy!-----------------------------
Strange Places -- Towns -- Rares in Game! -- Forums People! -- Dungeons! --Items
Konnan = 2800
UOG4ever = 1800
Starnix = 1100
Lock and Load = 900
Amerigo = 400
Shino90 = 700
Whispers = 300
Igo88mph = -100

Next question?


Hybrid Staff Member
Yup I edited that in there. :p

Yah....don't edit. In my original post I said if I see an edit then its automatically incorrect :/

But I already quoted you earlier so its fine for now.

Question Rares for 500...

There are only two gator statues that were ever handed out. What are their names and hue # associated with each.


Hybrid Staff Member
what are rip steve irwin (9-4-06) hue -1


lucky gator hue # 64


-----------------------------UO Hybrid Jeopardy!-----------------------------
Strange Places -- Towns -- Rares in Game! -- Forums People! -- Dungeons! --Items
Konnan = 3300
UOG4ever = 1800
Starnix = 1100
Lock and Load = 900
Amerigo = 400
Shino90 = 700
Whispers = 300
Igo88mph = -100

items 100

According to scales, how many stones does a GM made pitchfork weigh?


Hybrid Staff Member
what is 11 stones if you are referring to "gm" made and not gm crafter made since pitchforks are not craftable. hard to determine weather this is a trick question or not :p

Ah I could see that being a slight confusion, but you're correct!

-----------------------------UO Hybrid Jeopardy!-----------------------------
Strange Places -- Towns -- Rares in Game! -- Forums People! -- Dungeons! --Items
Konnan = 3300
UOG4ever = 1900
Starnix = 1100
Lock and Load = 900
Amerigo = 400
Shino90 = 700
Whispers = 300
Igo88mph = -100

if im correct ill go with items for 200

How many new visible parts are created when a corpse is carved. Name them all. (Some parts may not be able to be picked up)