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Vestrivan of B=D Owned

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Antarus said:
she devil loves the cock

Everyone is going to die, it's UO. I'm sure that cramming out your macros and l33t pvp means something somewhere, though seriously, CHESS THIS IS NOT!

Also, next time you take a screenshot, spell owned right. =(
Revelations said:
After trying to attack White SheDevil, Vestrivan got straight butt smacked after talking mad shit about he would own shedevil, after running away 4 times, SheDevil finally caught his ass and dropped him and gobbled up his 200 stones of loot but before (5 seconds later) she could not get it all, because Ricin (the other B=D) showed up with his vanq heavy x bow and by the time shedevil got mana back, he had ressed vestrivan and they recalled out together to the land of the gankage. Here is the photo so please B=D, vest shut the hell up, you got owned 1 on 1, like always and called in backup after you got smoked...

do you come here and post every time white shedevil kills anyone?
This was posted months ago after B=D killed shedevil once, got a boner over it and posted, so they next day, shedevil killed all the B=D members at that time and posted it...and what constitutes a lame player, one like most of B=D players, that cant pvp, and suck at UO, well if that is the case, I will start by posting Vestrivan at the top of the list. If you suck that bad as this game (like most of B=D) you should just be quiet and stay out of the forums...just my opinion. Anytime you kids want to step up and challenge >!<, we would be happy to collect more of your loot.


i do agree that the majority of B=D that hangs out in the dungeons actually do suck, i know from experience. i also know that i've owned you, shedevil, 1v1. and you die to fucking ogre lords too when trying to pk my bard. it's so fucking funny how bad you suck at this game..

btw, i was in dungeons yesterday for around an hour at the times you posted in some other thread and i didn't see you once.


Revelations said:
This was posted months ago after B=D killed shedevil once, got a boner over it and posted, so they next day, shedevil killed all the B=D members at that time and posted it...and what constitutes a lame player, one like most of B=D players, that cant pvp, and suck at UO, well if that is the case, I will start by posting Vestrivan at the top of the list. If you suck that bad as this game (like most of B=D) you should just be quiet and stay out of the forums...just my opinion. Anytime you kids want to step up and challenge >!<, we would be happy to collect more of your loot.


Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkay.

You killed me once in a gank. I dont know how many times we killed you. Yet, you relentlessly come on these boards to prove a point?

Do you get beaten by your parents or something? Do you have some type of mental illness? Im not even joking on this matter. As, you excessivly state WhiteSheDevil is played by a 14 year old girl and, you are her "agent".


You state your more educated then me. Yet using the words "son" to wave youre e-peen around makes you look less educated then a bag of stones.

You have no life. You play UO all day. 1-3, 5-7. Right? Those are the times that the almighty shedevil (who claims he/she solos, yet now calls in 12 man ganks) plays?

When do you work? When do you have classes? Most people work 9-5. Most college students have classes in the morning; afternoons, and some have jobs at night (which alot of them start at 5 or 6 pm).

I post when im at work and when im not in online classes, or regluar classes. (at least this semester). You nearly post all day long.

We never posted anything about killing you. You simply strut about this forum thinking your the best pvper in all of UO. Yet, EVERYONE on this shard knows otherwise. We backed it up once with a few screenshots and levo telling the story how he killed you and all your alts at orge lords (that was really funny).

Now, your quasi vendetta (you might need to look up this big word rev) against us is somewhat starting to piss me off. You seem to be looking for constant attention by bringing down our guild.

You seriously need to shut the fuck up or, get banned from the forums or, whatever.
really weird..shedevil plays from 10am EST to 1pm and also 3pm tell 7pm look harder she was on what are your characters name so after I pk u I can take a screenshot
Dude, you chase me around the forums and make lame posts after all of mine, I post while I work, I have a great job, I work 5 hours a day, make more money then you, your daddy, your mommy and your lieing ass who claims to go to Princeton? I have a great life, don't be jealous cause your a 24 year old who just now made it to college..your guild sucks..your all newbs...my guild >!< will duel any of you, own any of you, 4 on 4 any of you..you guys are the worst pking guild on the server, I have talked to girls that have been in your TS/Vent guild chats and they calim that at least half of you are gay...do you want me to say the names of the players she said were gay...probably so quit posting after me, stay out of my forums and learn how to pvp.
When I am at work, I don't even work I get payed plenty to do nothing..because I have a great education and am good looking at the same time...you can dream of having my job in real life as the best you will do is a banker with your finace degree...who gets a finance degree from Princeton LOL!...Finance at Princeton...Finance for 120k, you can get that degree at a community college, but since daddy is paying for it aye ANT it really doenst matter does it. LMAO


Revelations said:
When I am at work, I don't even work I get payed plenty to do nothing..because I have a great education and am good looking at the same time...you can dream of having my job in real life as the best you will do is a banker with your finace degree...who gets a finance degree from Princeton LOL!...Finance at Princeton...Finance for 120k, you can get that degree at a community college, but since daddy is paying for it aye ANT it really doenst matter does it. LMAO

I rest my case.

Btw, I graduate next fall. Then I need to prep for entrance exams for a Master.

You still really dont have a clue do you.


Revelations said:
Dude, you chase me around the forums and make lame posts after all of mine, I post while I work, I have a great job, I work 5 hours a day, make more money then you, your daddy, your mommy and your lieing ass who claims to go to Princeton? I have a great life, don't be jealous cause your a 24 year old who just now made it to college..your guild sucks..your all newbs...my guild >!< will duel any of you, own any of you, 4 on 4 any of you..you guys are the worst pking guild on the server, I have talked to girls that have been in your TS/Vent guild chats and they calim that at least half of you are gay...do you want me to say the names of the players she said were gay...probably so quit posting after me, stay out of my forums and learn how to pvp.

Name the "girls" please. We only had one in out vent.
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