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Well it's about time....


Well it's about time....

It's about time somone's pointmule got caught up with my player char.

Well done Tanis.
No kidding. I'm finally off the leaderboard. Took me a hard four days of playing to get up there, and a month of not playing to get barely knocked off.

An Old Lady

Oh my hiding behind IC tamers/admins and waiting for the last ebolt really shows us how good you are jester. Your a UO legend.


for once in uo I will agree with old lady

take a picture.

ive seen you once on the field w/o tamers & bolas, it was 2x2 and we both know what happened.


yes and that is why teh ejin runs around with like 20 and blunderbore runs arond with like 200 =O

tis skill tbh.
Wow Tanis 219 Points? Im pretty sure like 3 days ago you were like at 100. 100+ points in 3 days I dont think thats possible and i never see you on the field either :(
Wu-Gambino said:
No free money for us ;(((((((((((((

You're implying that you'd win? Rofl.

Maybe we need to let people know that all those duels that "you" won on Wu-Gambino, were when I was using your account.

You're so black that when someone shuts off the lights you disapear.

That is, until you open your eyes.
