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Whats the most bizarre show you have watched on netflix/hulu?


For you Crikey :)

haha! I actually watched all of that. Cartoons are cool

If I had a small child I would allow them to watch happy tree friends. It's not really bad, there are FAR worse things on televison on nbc and shit like that new "hannibal" show. Can't believe a show like that is on regular tv....

Sure it's a little violent, but it's silly violence. It is a good way to ease the next generation into the horrors of reality :)


scarred for life now...thanks pheo :( lol
So sorry, I know it's quite disturbing.....cartoon gore! ;)

Like you women didn't mutilate Ken dolls or practice other violent fantasies when you were wee little girls

At least thats how the women around here are. Some fucked up females. You can give some broad 5 bucks in the local dive and she will bottle someone for you (bottle: To take a glass beer bottle and SMASH it across someones teeth)

I suppose girls are kind and perfect over in the mushroom kingdom tho



Like you women didn't mutilate Ken dolls or practice other violent fantasies when you were wee little girls

At least thats how the women around here are. Some fucked up females. You can give some broad 5 bucks in the local dive and she will bottle someone for you (bottle: To take a glass beer bottle and SMASH it across someones teeth)

I suppose girls are kind and perfect over in the mushroom kingdom tho

If anyone was mutilating dolls it was my brothers just to see the look on my face when I found them mutilated! With that said, I agree, girls can be mean, but I've never seen one where I live "bottle"
someone. What kind of places do you hang out in??!!