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Who still plays?


Who still plays?

Ok. Im an old fart. Been a long time since I poped by here.. Now. Who still plays or trolls the forums?

audi, nomon, raez, the funny br:s?

Or anyone else that knows me?
Im not playing, and I aint coming back. Im just very bored at work. We have a network problem, and cant do jack shit. So I thought Id pop by and see if any fun people from the past is around?

Anyone play AO these days?

Ah well.. I guess ill just return to look busy ;)


I'm basically retired along with most of the golden oldies :). We still troll the forums. Anywho glad to see your still around.


First I was like "wtf?" where´s my post? hehe. Then I realized I posted in wrong forum section and found it hehe..

Good to see ya Mythos. I remembere you ;)
And yeah.. I had myself a trip down memory lain to check things out. UO will prob always be THE mmorpg. *tips hat*

Draco.. Cant say I recognize your nick hehe.. I started playing around a month or so after the shard went live.. I think. I know got in at the start anyway hehe. So I assume we have prob bumped into eachother. Cool to see a fellow swede anyhow ;)

/Swedish mode ON
Du borde testa AO. Jäkligt kul, gratis att ladda hem och spela, utan expansionerna dock. Men de funkar de me om man vill prova något nytt :)
Ha´t gött!
/Swedish mode OFF

Anyhow.. Back to be bored at work.. Ive been here for 6 hours now, and I have done .. hmm. .. Nothing! :D


Lol.. I remember that "stunt" in Malas bank area. Audi the snowman hehe.. I wanna be a snowman too :/

Still nothing done at work.. been 7 hours of nothingness.. Man it sucks.. :p


I've been around for a pretty long time now.. I know your forum nick, but not who you are tho :p
Anyhow, I still play a bit every now and then :)


Turk of course i remember you old bro :D
Cool to see you are still around. I just didnt have alot of names in my head when I wrote my post hehe. I dont even remember your in-game name :/ Except your "Havagrim-jr" :D

I hope the stuff I gave you came to good use, and that u kicked some butt with that char ;)
Still playing?

Rhun. I remember you though ;)
My in-game nick was Havagrim.. I was a pk though. So I was mainly in Fel, either in Bucs den, Despise or around Brit moongate.. Not sure if I came across you with Hava..If I recall correctly you where/are a pvm:er? But I did meet you with some of my other dudes. Mondaine and Vidar I think.. I even think I bought some stuff from you for my tamer...Made it to 94 taming.. phew took along time without any good scripts and simple macros and doing the moving around manually :D


Ferris, this is not a mean question, and i dont want to get banned for asking it buy are straight or the otherway around?


i went more with my archer u know the one i just started back then, hes on some better stuff now then i went mage. Frida also quit sadly (blajban)
didnt really feel like playing very much after that but i started again now a few days ago

Havagrim said:
Turk of course i remember you old bro :D
Cool to see you are still around. I just didnt have alot of names in my head when I wrote my post hehe. I dont even remember your in-game name :/ Except your "Havagrim-jr" :D

I hope the stuff I gave you came to good use, and that u kicked some butt with that char ;)
Still playing?

Rhun. I remember you though ;)
My in-game nick was Havagrim.. I was a pk though. So I was mainly in Fel, either in Bucs den, Despise or around Brit moongate.. Not sure if I came across you with Hava..If I recall correctly you where/are a pvm:er? But I did meet you with some of my other dudes. Mondaine and Vidar I think.. I even think I bought some stuff from you for my tamer...Made it to 94 taming.. phew took along time without any good scripts and simple macros and doing the moving around manually :D