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Who still plays?


For me its partly that this game is so addictive, that its to much of a time sink. But mostly its just cause I dont think its all that fun anymore.. 6 years of UO kinda made this game boring.. Last time I played. Id log on.. Run around for an hour, not really doing anything. Made me realize what a waste of time it was to play hehe... Was good times though. :p

These days.. Anarchy-online ftw ;)


Well i hope you come back, eventhough you play anarchy-online, just to help us new players like me out there. And also, its free, you dont have to pay like osi = caching


Detroit.. You are forever stuck in the world of UO? hehe. I thought you quit? :)

And hey Raez. I am doing great. Dont miss UO one bit. Especially not since I discovered AO. You should try it for a change of scenery. Kinda complex game compared to UO, but is free to play until jan 2007 ;)
(Without the expansions that is).

Ah well. Have fun in the UO swamp :)