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Winter storm "Nemo", a blizzard of possibly historic proportions, has begun pounding my state >_<

fouuuuund iiiiit


hypocrite. You don't even know my name, but you pretend you know me. This came from someone who knows you in real life.

You lose

Now get out of my thread

you weren't even around when that stuff was going on. Dany Mortal and Uber Mcnoober/luftwaffe were mad at me because i beat them on the field in an embarrassing manner. They then tried everything they could do to get at me, and so they linked brennon's messages about his lies.

i've said it once, i'll say it again. You weren't there and you have no idea what you are talking about.

I, on the other hand, know everything I need to know about you.

You are always on this forum board or in game.
You spend all of your time playing with annoying players and you attempt to troll and incite flame wars because that is all the excitement you get.
You are really bad at PvP, which you so profess you are good at.
According to mickey, nice lisp.
As much as two feet of snow, or worse, expected today *groan*

I hate all you assholes from warm areas. Probably haven't seen more then a foot of snow in your lifetime.

I was just curious, is there is anyone here who lives in a snowy climate who thinks 2 feet of snowfall is nothing?

"oh two feet of snow? boo hoo. We got 5 feet last week"

Why did they name a badass winter storm after a lame Disney fish? LAME

View attachment 82262

They should've named it something more BADASS, like BLIZZARD NERO. Nero, LUNATIC emperor during the Roman empire
View attachment 82263

Welp, I'm off to shovel some of Blizzard Neros dirty work. Tell me about some of the winter storms you have experienced

They canceled college classes where I live when it almost snowed... I can walk outside right now with shorts/short sleeves on and feel GREAT! Last time it snowed here (Mississippi) was like 3 years ago or some shit. When you want to talk about heat, hit me up! Until then I will just have to be quite because I DONT KNOW SHIT BOUT NO SNOW!!!!!
Currently in Germany for a year. A lot of people love this place. I friggin hate it. I got here 2nd of August and the weather was awesome. Sept 1 hit though, the clouds moved in and have only parted for 15 minutes at a time. This place is always dreary, snowy, rainy, etc. Thankfully i'll be back in the SE in May. Then it'll be time to move to San Antonio, TX. (Favorite city in the states by far.. So far anyways..)

I have heard it rains more in Germany than Seattle... haha


Right now its cold as fuck, with high gusting winds. It snowed about 6 inches earlier today, and the rOads and highways were god awful when I went out to run some plays today.

Fuck this shit, once I hit the lottery I'm moving to Hawaii
Right now its cold as fuck, with high gusting winds. It snowed about 6 inches earlier today, and the rOads and highways were god awful when I went out to run some plays today.

Fuck this shit, once I hit the lottery I'm moving to Hawaii

Just join the military... I think 3/4ths of Hawaii is owned by the military. Either that or get a job up there at a hotel lol

Also if I won the lottery, I would not move to Hawaii. I would move to the Virgin Islands


Just join the military... I think 3/4ths of Hawaii is owned by the military. Either that or get a job up there at a hotel lol

Also if I won the lottery, I would not move to Hawaii. I would move to the Virgin Islands
Knowing my luck, if I joined the army they would stick me someplace shitty. Probably some random ass island base near antarctica
Knowing my luck, if I joined the army they would stick me someplace shitty. Probably some random ass island base near antarctica

Once I get enough followers I am going to move to Antarctica and build a huge army (while naming myself King). I then will form my own country and get allied with A LOT of countries. After that, I will talk nonstop shit to a weak country that has a pretty nice landscape and resources until they attack me. Once they attack me, my allies will help me destroy them. Then once the war is over I will make everyone in that country relocate to my old country (Antarctica) and I will move my people to our new country.

How to take over a country 101. Who will join me?