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wow love faction pvp


wow love faction pvp

i love how every single person in factions just bolas and all kill. fucking pathetic.
sideshow said:
i love how every single person in factions just bolas and all kill. fucking pathetic.

lol, get use to that one.. along with being in a 1 vs 1, then seeing 3 other guys run in with pre cast para....


mm i see the 1 vs 1 then 3 more come in thing a lot, but i don't see many tamers.God the people that clasify them selves as "elite" are usually the ones calling in for back up too.


minax is only ones who do that, and old lady. you have to forgive them they were trammy clowns from osi.
the lamest thing i ever seen was:
a guy swings a bola at me then some crazy runic axe knoked me like shit...
i healed
the 2 following hits choped me as i was a peice of wood...
damn he must of had like a val dbl axe...


the lamest thing i ever seen was:
a guy swings a bola at me then some crazy runic axe knoked me like shit...
i healed
the 2 following hits choped me as i was a peice of wood...
damn he must of had like a val dbl axe...

ouch =\

top notch

Siccx said:
minax is only ones who do that, and old lady. you have to forgive them they were trammy clowns from osi.

factions is group fighting, roll wit a group or get rolled upon.. and i owned on GL too kthx


Old Lady is Old School.
She's been playing UO since before your father met your mother on that russian street corner all those years ago.


Siccx said:
minax is only ones who do that, and old lady. you have to forgive them they were trammy clowns from osi.
old lady never played uo during trammel days.
oh wow you all said that, great.